Saturday: Second Night

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The night before, Sakusa was watching Fennec perform on stage.

He noticed how the masked boy's mannerisms were strangly similar to Atsumu's.

He tended to put his hand in his pockets and flick his hair back a lot.

Just Like Atsumu.

And then there was the haircut which was exactly the same...

Sakusa shrugged it off as him being an idiot and focused on the show.

He was confused as it seemed like Fennec seemed to focus his attention on Sakusa.

He thought I was just his imagination though, and decided to think nothing of it.

He had to admit though...

Fennec was one hell of a dancer and singer.

He'd never seen Fennec so up-close in person before, only in music videos.

He'd also never heard this song before, it must of been new, he knew all of Fennec's songs.

Though the masked singer decided to change it up, coming on stage basically shirtless and singing something like that.

Not that Sakusa was complaining though...

On every single social media platform, videos on Fennec's performance were going viral.

The tag #FennecInsomniac was the top most clicked tag across every platform.

He just wished Atsumu could have been there with him to watch.

He was chilling alone at his dorm, when he decided to text Atsumu.


I wanted to ask how your trip was going?

Sakusa sighed when Atsumu didn't reply.

He was probably busy, or something...

That was true, Atsumu was busy.

They were rehearsing for that nights concert that started at eight.

It was half-past six and they all went back to their rooms to rest and get showered and ready for the show.

Tonight, Atsumu was premiering another new song, it wasn't as hectic as the one from the day before, Friday, but he was still nervous.

It was five minutes before the show and he had just finished getting ready.

He was wearing a gold baseball-jacket with black stripes on the cuffs and collar. Underneath, he had a black t-shirt with a metallic gold fox decal on the front.
He wore black jeans with black and metallic gold high-top Nike sneakers.

He put on his mask and headed towards the stage.

He met up with the dancers as they stepped on to the elevator platforms.

On stage, the smoke covered the stage-floor as the lights went completely dark.

The crowd was silent as they waited in anticipation.

(Start the song at the top)
(Burn It Down by Timeflies)

Italics: Atsumu singing
Bold: Back up singers
Both: Both

The performers rose silently onto stage, facing their backs to the audience as the music started.


Masked Voice (SakuAtsu Singer AU) Where stories live. Discover now