Sunday: Last Night

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Sakusa found it quite odd, to be honest.

While Fennec was dancing at the end of the outstretched part of the stage, Sakusa noticed that the way he moved when he danced was very familiar.

It reminded him a bit of how Atsumu danced, but he shook it off thinking that it was just because he missed the blonde boy.

Surprisingly though, right after the concert had ended on Saturday night, said blonde boy had replied to his message.


Sorry, my phone died while we were out so I couldn't charge it
My trip is going well so far
How's the concerts?

Sakusa smiled slightly as he typed a reply.

That's good to hear!
And the concerts are really cool!!
I've never seen Fennec so close before

What was he like?

He's really cool!
Kinda reminds me of you actually

Atsumu drew in a sharp breath as he read that message and quickly began to type a reply.

We're really different

You guys look pretty similar though
You know...
Same height, same hair color and style, same skin color?

Atsumu was starting to panic, how had Sakusa noticed so much about him so quickly?

He decided to play dumb to it.

I guess I've never noticed that before
Oh wait I have to go now
Samu's calling me

Atsu💗 is offline

Have a nice night!
And make sure to sleep well!!

Sakusa sighed as he closed their chats.

Atsumu was a difficult person to get close to.

Sakusa wanted to ask him on a date but he was afraid that the blonde hated him.

Atsumu definitely didn't hate Sakusa, he liked the taller boy's presence and actually preferred it to being alone at times.

He actually liked Sakusa and would even go as far as saying that he was crushing on the idiot.

But as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't tell Sakusa the truth.

Not yet, at least.

For now, he would keep doing his thing and get Sakusa to like both sides of him, Fennec and Atsumu.

At the moment, said blonde was getting ready for the last show of the 'tour'.

He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and black ripped jeans with gold chains hanging from the belt.
He had on his custom high-top black-and-metallic-gold Nike sneakers on and a few black and gold rings and chokers for accessories.

He grabbed his mask and walked towards the stage elevators.

The dancers were already there and ready.

Masked Voice (SakuAtsu Singer AU) Where stories live. Discover now