Working Together

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A month later, it was Thursday, the day before the Fennec tour started.

Sakusa and Atsumu met up after classes again to work on the song.

"Are we going to add vocals?"

Atsumu flinched slightly at the question, there's no doubt that Sakusa would recognize his voice.

"Can ya sing?" Atsumu asked.

"Yeah... I sing a little bit..." Sakusa replied shyly.

"Okay? Then show me," Atsumu requested.

"Can we work on lyrics first??" Sakusa asked.

Atsumu scoffed, "Fine, ya big baby," he replied as he looked back down at his notebook and started writing something.

After about twenty minutes of Sakusa working on a tune Atsumu looked up from his note book.

"I like that..." He said.

"Huh?" Sakusa stopped.

"Play that tune again..." Atsumu said as he got up from their position on the floor and ran over to his guitar.

Sakusa shrugged and started playing the tune again.

Atsumu flicked his guitar pick before plucking at the strings.

Sakusa laughed as he stood up and started jamming to the song.

After a while of messing around with the beat, they decided that they liked it and would keep it in mind.

"So do ya want to work on the lyrics, or should I?" Atsumu asked as put his guitar down and sat back down on the floor, "Ya know... Since yer singin' 'em?"

"Why do I have to sing?" Sakusa asked suddenly.

"Oh... Uh- I..."

Atsumu tried to think of something as quick as he could.

"I don't sing loud enough..." He finally settled on that as an excuse.

"We can get a mic??" Sakusa said, confused.

"Oh... Uhm... I'm shy?" Atsumu was really hoping that Sakusa would believe him, he was grasping at straws at this point, "I can be a back up singer?"

Sakusa raised an eyebrow.

Miya Atsumu, shy??

Those two things don't really fit with each other that well.

"Okay... I'll write the lyrics then," Sakusa answered.

Atsumu was acting suspicious.

That part was obvious to Sakusa.

But why?

Now that was something that Sakusa wanted to know.

But before he could say anything, Atsumu had already stood up.

"Oh, wait, I just remembered," he said as he began walking to his room, "I'll be right back, just chill here for now."

He walk into his room and came out holding a black and gold piece of card.

Sakusa's eyes widened as he took a closer look at the card.

"Is that-?"

"A VIP ticket to Fennec's tour? Ya know it," Atsumu answered with a grin as he offered over the ticket, "Now it's yers."

"No, I couldn't- Those cost so much!" Sakusa replied nervously.

"I told ya, I'd put in some good word with Fennec, he told me to give it to ya," Atsumu chuckled.

"Wait, you actually-" Sakusa stared at him in disbelief.

"Yup, I got ya front seats for Fennec's tour," Atsumu grinned.

It wasn't actually a tour, it was just three concerts that he was doing, but of course the world didn't know that he lived near the venue, so he called it a tour on his Instagram.

"I-I don't know how to thank you..." Sakusa said as he looked towards the ground.

Atsumu chuckled, "Jus' enjoy yerself," he smiled softly, "I can tell ya that all Fennec wants is for his fans to be happy."

It was true, Atsumu loved music, but he loved making others happy.

Even if he came off as a bit arrogant and stand-offish when you first met him.

Sakusa smiled widely as he looked at the ticket in his hands, "Thanks..."

"It was the least I could do, since I can't make it to the tour with ya," Atsumu smiled.

He'd warmed up a lot since Sakusa met him.

Sakusa felt the heat rush to his cheeks as he looked at Atsumu.

He decided to change the subject.

"Thanks, again... But we really need to work on this song," Sakusa said.

Atsumu chuckled, "Right, right, let's carry on."

They continued to work until it was about four in the evening when Atsumu said that he had to do some preparations for the trip with his brother.

What he really did after Sakusa left was pick out his outfits and pack up his drum kit and guitar so that he could take it to the venue the next morning, which was the university's enormous football stadium a bit away from the campus.

He needed to be there early for sound-check and rehearsals.

Oikawa, Komori, Akagi and Iwaizumi, being his main dancers would be there too, as well as his brother, who was his organizer, and Suna, his brother's boyfriend.

This weekend's tour was a big one, because he'd be debuting three new songs, one for each night.

Nerves shot, he went to bed after he finished getting everything ready for the next day, he had to wake up early the next morning.

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Not me about to make Atsumu 'straight' for a good few chapters-
Jk- just the songs 😉
But be ready for hot-boy Atsumu 🤭

Anygays, bye!!!

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