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Atsumu was sitting in his dressing room at the venue of his concert.

He was getting ready for his last song.

The song that would either make or break his relationship with Sakusa.

He wasn't particularly looking forward to it.

His nerves were all over the place as he looked at himself in the mirror one last time.

He was wearing black ripped jeans with gold chains attached to the belt. He had on a black t-shirt with metallic-gold fox graphic on the back. He had his custom black and gold high-top Nike sneakers on with a black jacket with gold accents on it hanging around his waist.

He took a deep breath before grabbing his mask and walking towards the stage elevators.

He was going on stage alone for this song.

It was the closing song of the night.

"Are ya ready, Tsumu?" Osamu asked.

"As I'll ever be... Let's do this," he said as he stepped onto the elevator platform.

The four dancers cheered him on.

He'd told Iwaizumi and Komori who he was after the 'tour'.

All of the dancers knew his plan, and they really wanted to see it succeed.

Komori, for one, was tired of watching his cousin's hopeless flirting and just wanted to see the two together already.

The elevator rose onto stage as the lights died down to a low golden glow.

Atsumu looked up across the crowd as he spotted the black and gold wolf mask right up against the stage.


The music started to play as he took a deep breath.

(Start the song at the top)
(2u by Justin Bieber)

Italics: Atsumu singing

No limit in the sky that I won't fly for ya...

Atsumu clutched onto his hand-held wireless mic for dear life as he sang.

No amount of tears in my eyes that I won't cry for ya...

Oh no~

Atsumu kept his gaze focused on Sakusa the entire time as he sang.

With every breath...

That I take...

Atsumu began his walk down the stage, taking his steps slow and matching them to the beat of the song.

I want you to share that air with me~

He continued to walk down the stage.

There's no promise...

That I won't keep~

His eyes were still glued to Sakusa as he got closer.

I'll climb a mountain...

There's none too steep~

He stopped as he reached the end of the stage, standing directly in front of Sakusa.

When it comes...

To you...

Atsumu crouched down in front of Sakusa as the beams of light focused on the latter.

There's no crime...

Atsumu tipped Sakusa's chin up to make eye contact with him.

Let's take both of our souls...

Masked Voice (SakuAtsu Singer AU) Where stories live. Discover now