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Sakusa was anxious.

Atsumu was getting back to campus the day after the last concert.

And that day was today.

The last night of the tour was really good, Fennec was absolutely amazing at singing, there was no doubt about that.

Sakusa couldn't wait for Atsumu to get back so they could hang out again.

Well... Hang out as in work on their practical task, but it still counted.

Sakusa really liked Atsumu, though he couldn't shake the feeling that the blonde boy hated him.

But those thoughts quickly changed.

Sakusa was walking towards the lecture hall when he heard footsteps behind him.


He stopped.

He knew that voice.

He turned around just as the source of the sound crashed into him and hugged him tightly.

"Atsumu??" Sakusa asked in bewilderment.

Atsumu was... Hugging him?

"Mhm... I just missed ya," Atsumu answered before pulling away, "Wanna walk to class together?"

Sakusa blinked.

He was slightly unsure of what was happening but he didn't really mind, he liked it when Atsumu was affectionate, though that never really happened often.

He nodded and they began their walk to class.

Sakusa was telling Atsumu all about the Fennec concerts.

Of course, Atsumu already knew everything, considering that he was Fennec, but he pretended to be shocked and sad that he couldn't go.

They made it to class and sat down in their usual seats in the back corner furthest from the door.

Atsumu was typing away at his laptop while Sakusa listened to the lecturer.

After that, they met up and got ready for dance class.

They were just chilling out with Komori, Akagi, Iwaizumi and Oikawa when the teacher started explaining their practical exam.

"Please get yourselves into groups of five or six, you will need to pick a song and choreograph some dance moves for it. Everyone in the group has to participate and it needs to be done for the end of this week," the teacher announced.

Immediately, Atsumu, Oikawa, Akagi, Komori, Iwaizumi and Sakusa grouped up.

After classes, as they usually did, Sakusa and Atsumu went to Atsumu and Osamu's dorm room to work on their project because it was due on Friday.

"So did ya work on the lyrics?" Atsumu asked as they grabbed their guitars and sat down.

"No, but I was thinking of the tune for the chorus," Sakusa replied.

"Okay, show me," Atsumu said and Sakusa nodded.

He grabbed his guitar-pick and began strumming chords on the guitar.

The chords were building intensity and Atsumu nodded along to the beat.

"I like it!" Atsumu said as he got up, and added to the tune.

"But we need something to back it up..." Sakusa sighed.

"Are ya forgetting somethin'?" Atsumu smirked.


Atsumu grinned as he walked over to the corner where there was a cloth sheet over something big.

Atsumu pulled the cloth away, coughing slightly at the dust that had dispersed into the air.

The windows were open though, so the dust soon blew away.

Sakusa looked over at what was under the sheet.

It was a black and gold drum kit with shiny sliver rims.

Atsumu sat down on the seat and began drumming a beat that fit perfectly with the tune.

Sakusa chuckled as he continued playing.

"We're so acing this," Sakusa commented after they'd finished playing around.

"I'm filin' a complaint if we don't," Atsumu joked.

Sakusa laughed, "All we have to do now is record that beat, finish writing the music and do the lyrics."

"I'll do the recordin' an' write the music, yer doin' lyrics," Atsumu said as he began writing the sheet music.

"What do I write about?" Sakusa asked, unsure of how, or where, to start.

"I don't know... Uh... What is something that ya really love an' can't live without??" Atsumu asked, trying to be helpful.


That's what Sakusa wanted to say, but he didn't, so he just nodded and started writing.

They worked every day and practiced the dance moves for the practical with the others.

Sakusa finished the lyrics, so now he and Atsumu were just putting some finishing touches on the song.

He didn't show Atsumu the lyrics though.

Everything was going well until Sakusa got a notification from Instagram.

New post from Fennec_Official01.

He clicked it.

It was the dates for the next concert.

It was Saturday, the day after the practicals.

He decided that he would have a shot at asking Atsumu to go with him again.

But he'd ask after the practical exams.

The same exams that would be happening the next day...


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Oop- Atsumu can't go with him~
So what's going to happen???

Anygayssss byeee!!

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