Dance Class

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As a guitarist and pianist, Sakusa didn't really need to know how to dance, but he thought it would be fun.

What surprised him was that Atsumu was there.

"Hey, Miya!" He called as he walked over to the blonde who he noticed was slightly shorter than him.

Atsumu's attention snapped to him, "I thought I told ya to call me Atsumu?"

Sakusa scratched the back of his neck as he grinned.

"I thought I'd tease you a little," he answered.

Atsumu chuckled lightly as he shook his head, "So what brings ya to dance class?"

"I thought it would be fun?" Sakusa laughed awkwardly.

Atsumu smiled feintly as he rolled his eyes, "I guess I could say the same..."

Atsumu definitely was not going to tell him the real reason.

He didn't even know Sakusa that well, they'd only met that day.

The class began and they started warming up and stretching.

"Have you heard of the singer Fennec??" Sakusa asked suddenly.

Atsumu flinched slightly, but it went unnoticed by Sakusa.

"Who hasn't?" Atsumu asked sarcastically.

He was trying to keep calm, there's no way this random guy who just met him knew.

Sakusa laughed, "You're feisty, I like that..."

Sakusa was mentally face palming himself for being so cringy.

He was attracted to Atsumu, yes.

But he didn't want to come off as a flirty idiot.

To his surprise though, Atsumu laughed.

Sakusa had found his new favorite sound.

"Yer an idiot," Atsumu said through laughs as he shook his head before flicking his hair out of his eyes.

It was then that his name was called, "Miya Atsumu, right?"

The dance instructor was standing directly behind Atsumu.

"Yeah...?" Atsumu replied hesitantly as he turned around to face the instructor.

She had a sour expression on her face, as if she accidentally put spoiled milk in her coffee this morning.

"If you're so confident to talk during my class then why don't show us your skills?" The women smirked as the whole class turned to look at Atsumu.

"I apologize Ma'am, I spoke first-" Sakusa tried but was cut off by two people who placed a hand on each of his shoulders.

He looked down to see two boys, one had spikey black hair, tan skin and steely grey eyes, and the other had tan skin, fluffy chocolate brown hair and similarly colored eyes.

Sakusa recognized the black-haired boy as his cousin's boyfriend, Akagi Michinari, and he recognized the brown-haired boy as his best friend's boyfriend, Oikawa Tooru.

"It's alright, we can handle this, Sakusa," Akagi assured.

Oikawa then stepped forward, "We'll gladly take your offer, Ma'am."

The teacher looked shocked at the three of them as they pushed past her and made their way to the speaker.

One they made it, Atsumu plugged in his phone, "Ya guys really didn't have to do this," he whispered to Akagi and Oikawa.

Masked Voice (SakuAtsu Singer AU) Where stories live. Discover now