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Police and reporters were outside. I was watching them from the window in Mommy's room while she was with Uncle Steven.

"Princess, move away from with window," Mommy said. I walked over to her. She picked me up and carried me downstairs. I was too busy playing with her hair to be paying attention to what Mommy and Uncle Steven were talking about. Uncle Steven walked off.

"I'm hungry," I said.

"Let's go get you a bowl of cereal," Mom said.

"Froot loops?" I asked.

"You're missing a word somewhere princess," Mom said.

"Please," I said.

"Of course, you can," Mom said. I snuggled into her. "I bet you can't wait to go to bed huh princess?" Mommy asked.

"I'm so tired," I said. Mommy made my cereal and walked to the dining room where Monica and Jeff were. I was too busy eating my cereal to be paying attention to what was being said. Jeff and Monica left and Grandpa called us into the study. I sat on Uncle Steven's lap while Mommy played with my hair. The lawyers sat across from us.

"Here's what I can tell you. Detectives at the scene think there was a malfunction with the thumper truck. The blast seriously injured Blaisdel and a shard struck the wind turbine that sealed the deal. But the faulty truck was Carrington Atlantic owned and operated," Chief Stansfield said.

"Legal has assured me I'm covered. This is what we have insurance for," Grandpa said. 

"Insurance? Blake, a man died," Cristal said.

"And if I don't put my emotions aside, this family will bleed billions. I have a responsibility to our investors--" Mom cut grandpa off.

"You also have a horde of press outside waiting for a statement. Luckily, your head of PR is here. Who better to announce the victim?" Mom asked.

"I'll handle the statement," Grandpa said.

"That's a terrible idea," Mom said.

"I agree. PR should handle," One of the lawyers said.

"Can I get a minute with my family, please?" Dad asked the lawyers. The lawyers and Stansfield left.

"Cristal," Mom whispered. "I feel for you. Honestly, I do. I mean, you must be exhausted. Having to take on so many roles in one day. COO, wife, mistress, widow? Or will you leave Claudia that scrap?" Mom asked.

"That's enough," Grandpa said.

"Sorry, have I missed something?" Uncle Steven asked.

"Cristal was screwing the dead guy," Mom said.

"His wife is right outside," Cristal whispered back.

"Didn't stop you before," Mom smirked.

"When was this?" Uncle Steven asked.

"Before we were together," Grandpa said.

"I assume Claudia doesn't know? Surely, she would've led with that," Uncle Steven said taking a swig of his drink.

"Congratulations, Cristal," Mom said.

"Fallon," Grandpa said. 

"That means you got away with it," Mom said. Grandpa picked up a glass and threw it at the fireplace between Mom and Cristal. I hid my head in Uncle Steven's chest.

"Aw, Daddy, you missed," Mom said. I climbed into her lap burying my head in her neck.

"We are not doing this now. Everyone will be pulling us apart over this. We need to come together to protect our family," Grandpa ranted.

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