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I woke up to Mom shaking me.

"Are you waking up today?" Mom asked.

"No," I said rolling over.

"You can stay in bed until I come back from riding the horses with Uncle Steven then you've got to get up and get ready okay?" Mom asked.

"Can I have breakfast in bed?" I asked.

"What do you want?" Mom asked.

"Bacon, sausage, eggs, and pancakes please," I said. Mom kissed my head. Anders brought me in a tray of food and a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you, Anders," I said.


I was going to work with Mom today because it was teacher training day

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I was going to work with Mom today because it was teacher training day. We walked into where they were building her new office.

"Sorry, I'm late. I thought I'd squeeze in a morning ride," Mom said.

"Mm. Anyone, I know?" Jeff asked.

"Culhane was busy," I said without thinking.

"What did you just say?" Mom asked.

"Sorry," I said. "I wasn't thinking," I said looking at her.

"You need to spend more time with people your own age," Mom said before turning to Jeff to answer his question from earlier. "A warmblood Palomino named Butterscotch. He was a gift for my 16th birthday from Daddy," Mom said.

"Speaking of, what happened to the dirt you were looking for? Nothing from the driver?" Jeff asked.

"Don't worry about the lawsuit," Mom said.

"Your dad's gonna drop it?" Jeff asked.

"No. We are. We don't need the Carrington name. This company represents a new start and we need a new name. My name," Mom said opening the cardboard tube she brought with her.

"So, what, like Fallon Co.?" Jeff asked.

"Pfft. This isn't amateur hour," Mom said unrolling the new logo for the company.

"I helped with the colors," I said proudly. Mom smiled.

"Morell Green Energy Corporation?" Jeff asked. 

"My middle name. A reminder that I can only count on myself," Mom said.

"What about the guy backing you?" Jeff asked.

"You're backing me. I'm the one who needs to prove my value, and I know how. The city utility contract is up for renewal. It's worth a billion," Mom said.

"You wanna poach the city of Atlanta? Hasn't CA had that contract for 60 years?" Jeff asked.

"Imagine the headline. "The Home of Carrington Atlantic powered by Morell Corp," Mom said.

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