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Liam and Fallon were watching the sleeping 7-year-old who spent the last hour relaying facts about jets and planes to the 2 adults.

"I had no idea she knew so much about jets and planes," Liam said.

"She's always loved flying since she was a baby but that's new," Fallon said.

"Is she by any chance Autistic?" Liam asked.

"The doctors always said there'd be a chance she had both but when she was diagnosed with ADHD she didn't display many of the symptoms of Autism. But there's a chance she has it," Fallon said. "And since when do you know so much about neurodivergent conditions?" 

"I got curious after I met Ella," Liam said. "How did she get diagnosed with ADHD? If you don't mind me asking," 

"My father knew some of the symptoms from his brother," Fallon said.

Timeskip-Ella's POV

Mom, Liam, and I were in New York for a business meeting

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Mom, Liam, and I were in New York for a business meeting. Mom and Culhane got engaged last night after the party. We were walking through a park but I was zoned out.

"I miss Taco," I said. "Can we call him?"

"Princess we've talked about you interrupting conversations," Mom said bending down to my height.

"What about it?" I asked.

"That if somebody is having a conversation you wait until they've finished before you start talking," Mom said.

"Right. I remember now. I'm sorry I wasn't even listening to you talking," I said looking at my shoes. 

"You're learning and trying hard which is a great start. I'm so proud of you," Mom said kissing my head.

"Can I ask a question?" I asked.

"You just did but go ahead," Liam said. I looked at him.

"You confused her," Mom said. "Just ask your question, Ella," 

"I know that you two have to act like you're married but I don't have to call you Dad right?" I asked Liam.

"No. I'm not your Dad," Liam said.

"What about Culhane?" I asked.

"What?" Mom asked.

"Nevermind, it was stupid," I said as Mom's phone rang. She walked off to answer the phone.


We were walking around a party filled with Liam's family members. I was playing with Dad's dog tags around my neck.

"I hope you know that half that wedding-present money is mine, right?" Mom said.

"Well, maybe if you're lucky," Liam said. I zoned out getting bored so I started bouncing on my feet.

"I would like to make a toast. To the marriage of the Van Kirks and the Carringtons, both personally and, once I sign the paperwork, professionally. Cheers," Uncle Max said.

"And I'd like to add just a few words of my own. As you may know, I've been away for the last couple of months, recovering from exhaustion. So, I just found out about all of this. I may not have a vote on this acquisition, but I do have an opinion. And I think we would be foolish to get mixed up with this kind of new money," A woman I didn't know said.

"New money? My great-grandfather started Carrington Atlantic. We just celebrated our hundredth year," Mom said.

"Doesn't make you old money. It makes you lucky. And your father is clearly an imbecile. Why else would he leave the company in the hands of some diamond-encrusted CEO Barbie?" The lady said.

"Okay, that's enough, Maura," Liam said.

"Darling, I agree. Our family should kill this deal today. Or else I'll go to the press tomorrow and k*ll it myself. But in the meantime, congrats to the happy couple," The lady said. We walked away to the corner. Mom picked me up.

"You're bored aren't you?" Mom asked.

"Yeah," I said playing with Mom's hair. Mom rubbed my back.


Mom had gone out so I sat with Liam in the hotel room I was sharing with Mom.

"My dad was from New York right?" I asked.

"Yeah," Liam said.

"I don't know a lot about my dad besides what Mom told me or what Dad told me. I wanna know more about him. Will you tell me about him please?" I asked.

"Well, your Dad was rich but his favorite spot to hide in was this little cafe and they do the best pancakes in the city," Liam said.

"I love pancakes. Tell me more," I said.

"Taylor was into art just like you are. His writing sucked but he could tell a story with just pictures," Liam said.

Timeskip-3rd Person POV

Fallon walked into the hotel room to see Ella asleep in bed while Liam sat on the couch writing.

"Has she been asleep long?" Fallon asked.

"About 45 minutes," Liam said. "But she's been stirring,"

"Thank you for watching her. She enjoys spending time with you. At least more than she enjoys Culhane's company," Fallon said muttering the last part but Liam heard her.

"You should talk to her about that," Liam said.

Timeskip-Ella's POV

I woke up cuddled into Mom's side while she was working on her laptop.

"Morning, princess. You hungry?" Mom asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"What would you like? Pancakes, bacon, and eggs?" Mom asked.

"Can you see if they have croissants too? And sausages please?" I asked. Mom nodded.

"Of course. I'll order room service," Mom said. She ordered room service. "Princess, do you dislike Michael?" 

"No," I said.

"Then why do you act as if you do?" Mom asked.

"You're getting married. Lots of people's parents are married. I don't want him to be my dad," I said.

"Ella, your dad is always going to be your dad and I'm always going to be your mom. Me getting married to Culhane doesn't change that," Mom said.

"I didn't like that he called me the nickname Dad calls me," I said. 

"I know. I'll talk to him about that and I'll make sure he understands that even if he's your step-dad he won't replace your Dad," Mom said.

"But I will have to have to listen to him right?" I asked.

"To a certain extent yes but I'm your mother which means I get the final say," Mom said.

"I can't wait to get home and cuddle Taco and Dino," I said.

"I bet you can't," Mom said playing with my hair.


Uncle Sam brought me from the airport because Mom was going straight to Monica's opening for her club. 

"Where's Taco?" I asked.

"He's upstairs on your bed," Uncle Sam said. I ran straight upstairs.

Timeskip-3rd Person POV

Fallon was looking for Ella and found her wrapped in Blake's arms laying on Ella's bed with Taco laying beside them while Ella's stuffed dinosaur was tucked in her arm.

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