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Mom had been called to school for a meeting after I got a letter home

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Mom had been called to school for a meeting after I got a letter home. We walked into the meeting room. My principal and Mr. Tyler were sitting down.

"I called you here to discuss finding Ella a more suitable school as we can no longer support her needs," The principal said.

"You can't support her needs? The only extra needs she has are flexible deadlines and sometimes she has days off but when I enrolled her you swore to me that her needs weren't a problem," Mom said.

"We're merging with Penley Elementary," The principal said. "Which means things are changing,"

"I've got to leave because I'm not a normal kid?" I asked.

"You require extra resources and time that we don't have," My principal said.

"Why weren't your concerns brought to me before? Mr. Tyler hasn't ever told me that Ella was a problematic student or that he couldn't handle her," Mom said.

"I don't want to leave. I like this school and I like Mr. Tyler," I said.

"I've compiled a list of schools that may be a better fit," The principal handed Mom a list.

"I see what's going on here. Ella's being bused out for kids that make this school look better," Mom said.

"I don't deliberately try to be a pain. I just find things hard. But I try really hard to get my work and I do my best," I said.

"I know Ella. You're great and I'm so proud of you," Mr. Tyler said.

"You don't need to lie to me to make me feel better," I said before walking out. Mom walked out after me. We walked to the classroom so I could get my things. 

"How about we go get some pancakes?" Mom asked as we walked to the car.

"Is it always going to be like this? Me getting kicked out because my brain works differently?" I asked.

"I don't know princess. I'll look into some solutions but we're gonna do it together. I promise," Mom said. "How do you feel about having a sleepover with Sam tonight?

"At Uncle Steven's place?" I asked.

"No at home but I'm going out with Monica tonight and your Dad is away. I thought you'd prefer to hang out with Sam rather than Grandpa," Mom said.

"Yeah, Grandpa just moans about how the world's changing. We're all screwed according to Grandpa," I said. "But what does he expect when his president looks like a Cheeto with a blonde wig?" Mom laughed.

"So pancakes?" Mom asked. "Do you want pancakes?"

"Can we go home and make ice cream sundaes?" I asked.

"Whatever you want princess," Mom said.

"Do I have to go to school? Can't you just homeschool me or something?" I asked.

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