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I was sitting in the hospital bed.

"No, you're not doing more tests. I'm tired and I want to go home," I yelled.

"Ella, the faster they do these tests the quicker we can find out how much damage was done, and then you can get home a lot sooner," Mom said.

"I don't care," I yelled.

"Princess, you've been so brave so far and I'm so proud of you but the doctors need to run more tests," Mom said holding my hand.

"I don't like all the tests," I said.

"I know princess," Mom said. "It's only a few more. I promise," 

Timeskip-1 weeks later

I walked into Mom and Culhane's room. Mom was putting her earrings in.

"Hey angel," Culhane said. I punched him.

"Don't call me that," I said.

"Ella, you don't punch people," Mom said.

"Only Dad can call me that," I said. Mom walked over to me.

"I know that today is hard for you princess but lose the attitude for me," Mom said. We were going to Dad's funeral. He was ambushed while in Africa on deployment.

"I just want him to give me a hug," I said. Mom wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm sorry princess," Mom said.

"Can I wear Dad's dog tags?" I asked. "Please," Mom walked over to her dresser and pulled out Dad's dog tags before putting them around my neck and kissing my head. We drove to the chapel. A few of Dad's army friends were sat talking. Liam walked over. He hugged me.

"I'm sorry Ella," Liam said.

"Stop saying that. He died a hero," I said.

"He certainly did," Liam said. Mom walked over with Culhane.

"Did you get through to his parents?" Mom asked.

"They're not coming," Liam said. A few of Dad's friends spoke then it was Liam's turn before Mom walked up to the podium and started talking.

"Taylor and I met and he was never anything but kind, compassionate and caring. He's one of the few people I could tell anything to and he'd listen and try to give some sort of advice and when he had no idea what to say he'd sit there and make a joke or crack that famous smile. He's an amazing father and he's going to be missed," Mom said. "When Taylor enrolled in the army he made me promise that if anything were to ever happen to him I'd protect Ella down here and he'd watch out for her from the stars," I started crying as Mom wrapped up her speech. I climbed into her arms. Mom rubbed my back.

"I don't want to say goodbye to him yet," I said.

"You don't have to. Just because he's not alive anymore doesn't mean that he's gone. He's still watching you from the stars," Mom said. "I'm sure he's still a great listener," 

"I can admit to eating all the cookies and he can't tell me off for it anymore," I said. Mom smiled. We drove to military burial grounds. As we were walking through the grounds I was holding Mom's hand. "So everyone here was like Daddy?" 

"Everyone buried here either died while fighting or they're veterans," Rhys said walking beside us. "And there are some who had family members buried here too," 

"What's a veteran?" I asked.

"A veteran is someone who used to fight but now they're old so they no longer are in the military," Rhys said.

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