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I sat with Grandpa in his study

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I sat with Grandpa in his study. Anders walked in holding a box.

"A delivery for you sir," Anders said as a staff member Alex walked in and set a big box on the floor.

"Thank you, Anders," Grandpa said. He opened the box.

"That's a big box," I said.

"And it's got a really cool toy inside it too," Grandpa said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's a go-kart," Grandpa said taking the go-kart out of the big box. "But not just any go-kart this one is much cooler. Let me show you," Grandpa opened the smaller box and pulled out nerf guns and lots of foam bullets. "We attach these to the kart and then you can shoot it and drive about," Grandpa said.

"That's awesome," I said.

"Sit down on it so we can sort out the seat," Grandpa said. We got it all set up and Grandpa showed me how to get it to work. "Go have fun sweetheart but no shooting Mommy in the face,"

"Okay. Grandpa, I'll be good. I promise," I said. He put the kart in the foyer and I rode it into the drawing-room and started shooting Sam.

"Ow, what was that for?" Sam asked.

"What's this princess?" Mom asked.

"Grandpa got me a new toy," I said. "Look," I shot Sam again.

"That really hurts," Sam said.

"It's a toy I doubt it hurts that much," Mom said.

"Shoot your Mom with that thing," Sam said.

"I can't Sammy," I said.

"Why not?" Sam asked.

"Grandpa told me I wasn't allowed to shoot Mom," I said driving off. I drove into the lobby. Mom walked after me holding a plate of cake. Alexis walked in.

"What are you doing behind enemy lines?" Mom asked.

"Is that your breakfast?" Alexis asked.

"Don't judge me," Mom said. I went to shoot the nerf gun at Alexis but Mom stopped me.

"Go play princess," Mom said to me. I ran upstairs with Taco following me.


I sat coloring in my room. Taco was asleep on my bed. Mom walked in.

"Princess, I'm going out. Would you like to come with me?" Mom asked.

"No thank you," I said.

"Okay. Can you try to do some maths for me while I'm gone?" Mom asked.

"I won't do English work," I said.

"I know. We'll do some English work later together. You can color for an hour but once that hour is up Sam is going to call you downstairs and he'll sit with you to do your math work just in case you need some help," Mom said.

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