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Dad and Liam were outside while I was in Grandpa's arms as we stood in a room off the back of the church with Uncle Steven and Cristal.

"Did you invite her?" Uncle Steven asked.

"Why would I invite her?" Grandpa asked.

"She's still up there," Mom said walking over.

"Doing what?" Grandpa asked.

"Shedding more tears than the crocodile killed to make her bag. Did you invite her?" Mom asked

"Why does everyone keep asking me? I divorced her," Grandpa said.

"Sometimes you do stupid things," I said.

"Pallbearers are ready to carry the casket," Anders said.

"Well, here you all are," The blonde woman said.

"I don't know if you've noticed Alexis. This isn't a good time," Grandpa said.

"No, it's a devastating time. I am so sorry for your loss, Blake. I came to pay my respects. Thomas was like a father to me," The blonde lady asked.

"Hi, Mom. It's been a minute," Mom said.

"It has. I can't believe it," The blonde woman walked past Mom to Uncle Steven. "Steven, you look so handsome, but you do look pale. Have you had your vitamin D tested?"

"Never mind therapy for abandonment issues. How is your vitamin D?" Mom asked Uncle Steven

"Fallon, I'm glad to see that your father had your teeth fixed, if not your tongue," The blonde woman said cupping Mom's jaw.

"Alexis," Grandpa said. I broke out of Grandpa's arms and ran to Mommy.

"You must be a friend of Fallon's," The blonde lady said to Cristal.

"Actually, no. She's the new Mrs. Carrington. You'd hate her. That's my favorite thing about her. Also, I got married, you have a year for your secretary to send a gift," Mom said picking me up.

"Fallon, stop engaging. We're going," Grandpa said. We walked out.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"That would be my mother Alexis," Mom said.

"I don't like her. She's rude," I said rubbing my eyes.

"I think it's time for your nap," Mom said.

"Where's my dinosaur?" I asked.

"You gave him to your dad to look after remember?" Mom asked. I nodded. We walked out to the car. Daddy handed me my dinosaur.

"Cuddle me," I said.

"That's not how we ask for things is it Princess?" Mom asked.

"Please," I said.

"Try again," Mom said.

"Please will you cuddle me?" I asked. Mom nodded pulling me into her arms. I buried my head in her neck. Mom rubbed my back.


We walked into the manor to find Alexis sitting in the drawing-room with a cart of desserts.

"What are you doing here? How'd you get past the guard?" Grandpa asked.

"You mean Frank? I was the one who hired him, dear. We're old friends. I do hope it was a lovely service," Alexis said.

"Well, you've sure made yourself comfortable," Mom said.

"Yes, I've been catching up with the staff. The place hasn't changed much, has it? It still feels like home," Alexis said.

"Well, it isn't. Not yours. Anders, please see her out," Grandpa said. "The lawyers will be here for the reading of the will,"

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