Chapter Two

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[This is you, if you're like me, I like someone to base my looks off of in the story- sooo- yeah-!]

"Mast down! Flag concealed! We want no business with anyone while we dock here for the day, alright?!" You yelled for the whole ship to hear.

You could hear a faint, "Yes, Captain!" Coming from your first mate, who then screamed for the whole damn town to hear. You've never really been that good at getting things across, have you?

Sighing, you stepped onto actual land, your body a tad wobbly from having to balance on the ship for too long.

"Get everyone situated with jobs, you know what I'm doing." You said, and flipped your old, tattered knapsack that meant so much to you, over your shoulder.

You could still see the three stickers given to you by three little boys who claimed to be brothers.

Smiling softly at the memory, Nozomu waved you off. "Have a good time, Captain!"

You turned back, smiling sheepishly, "eh...I don't know..but thanks."

Nozomu nodded knowingly, and went aboard the ship again, barking out orders to your 3 rookie members.

You chuckled dryly, walking into town with a determined expression.

Quickly zipping through people, you dashed down the stairs to an old bar where you and Roger would share a drink with a young man.

Opening the two doors to the musty old bar, you looked around.

Gently rubbing the back of your neck, you frowned, "guess the old man really is dead." You sighed, before turning to leave.

"Now hold it right there!" A familiar, but worn out voice spoke.

"Dont go saying things that didn't happen now, lad-." He paused upon looking up at you.

"You're..her." he said with a content smile.

"You can still tell!?" You exclaimed, grabbing your face in a panic.

He began to cackle before coughing up a storm, "You just exposed yourself after that one, old lady."

"I don't even get the privilege of being called young anymore, do I?" You asked, sighing softly.

He shook his head with a grin on his face, "why would i give you the good treatment? You almost said I was dead! He exclaimed.

You sweatdropped, "now, now, I didn't- it's musty okay?! It looks like this place is falling apart!" You groaned.

Your eyes tore away from the man who was rambling on and on about how rude you could be.

"Oh can it, wanna share a drink before I redo the Grand Line?" You asked, grinning- almost sinsiterly.

"Redo? You're insane." He laughed.

"Whattt? I wanna see the New World, it one of the only few places I haven't seen all new and pristine." You shrugged.

He set a glass of rum infront of you, "don't act like it isn't a big deal!" He huffed, and shook his head before downing his shot.

You sighed, taking the shot like a pro, "It really isn't a big deal, and I mean- dude i ain't married yet." You whispered.

"I need someone to lay in bed with me, like seriously. I want them to have a nice rack, pecs or tits, I could care less." You chuckled, "nicee.."

Yes, that was your strange attribute. You really liked pecs and breasts. They were your thing.

He laughed, "good luck with that, I mean, you could do it, but they're all usually 10 years younger!"

"My limit is 20!" You yelled, "I'll be a sugar momma, I don't care!"

The two of you shared a laugh at that thought. "It was really nice to see you for the last time old man." You said, smiling.

"Last time?" He asked.

"Yeah. I don't really think you'll be alive long enough to see me die, so- hah! I'm outliving you! A pirate's outliving your old ass!" You boasted, roughly patting your chest in triumph.

His dissapointed expression was enough to send you through the roof, tears erupting from your eyes as you clutched your stomach. "Oh my god! You're priceless, ancient!"

He slapped you upside the head.

You came to your senses, still giggling a little as you sat up. "Listen old man, I can't help it."

Flinching as the door opened, you turned to see a man with white hair, and a marine outfit.

"..Who are you?" He asked, glaring over at you.

"Just a woman who's passing through." You hummed sweetly, almost sickly. The old man behind the counter cringed at your taste in men.

You knew this guy was young, but my god was he a hottie.

He nodded, pulling at his collar just a bit. He was clearly uncomfortable.

"State your name" He asked.

"Y/n, why's that?" You asked, hand on your chin.

"Hm. No reason." He grumbled, putting away his paper. "Drink, old man."

"No problem Smoker." He set the drink onto the counter.

"Smoker eh? Fine name for a fine looking man." You hummed, "how old are you?"

"34." He answered, "why?"

"Ugh. I'm 54." You sighed, placing your hand on your chin as you rested your elbow onto the counter.

Smoker looked at you in a slight shock, "No- you're at least 40." He said, crossing his arms.

"Its not a lie, I'm 54, but I'd still take you out on a date, boy." You winked before standing up.

"Though, it's my time to go, got my goods ship to get back on, and head straight to the grandline." You admitted, and began walking out the door, turning to look at smoker, "ever want to chat, just look at your hand." You giggled, and then proceeded to walk out.

He peered down at his hand, a small snail placed there.

What a sly old woman you were.

|Her Sea of Secrets| Rayleigh x Reader x CrocodileWhere stories live. Discover now