Chapter Twelve

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The time to see Cricket was arising.

You casually walked through the grassy forest, squashing some bugs, and eyeing some south birds.

Your folded blade unfolded into some sort of Scythe, it wasn't your weapon of choice, but it was amazing at chopping down grass and overgrowth.

You sped up, smiling when the house that was seemingly cut in half began to come into view.

"I wonder how he's doing, it's been years after all." You said.

You and cricket had been friends before you left for your journey, but he was a young adult then, and you didn't know if he'd remember you.

You knocked on the door of the home, casually waiting with your arms crossed, though your face was a happier expression.

You wondered if he was alive, as diving all the time wasn't the healthiest.

The door opened, and he looked up at you.

He took in your features. Dark, curly hair that poofed at your face, Sun-kissed skin like your father's, beautiful, chocolate eyes, and the scar right under your lip.

That's what made you stand out.

"Y/n? Is that you?" He asked, crossing his arms with a grumpy, yet satisfied grin on his face. "I haven't seen you in so many years."

"I know, it's been too many I tell you." You chuckled, and leaned down, pulling the younger man into a heartfelt embrace. Your knees hit the ground with a tender thud.

He smiled, cigarette long forgotten about as it dropped to the ground.

The embrace of a friend. What else could bring such comfort and love?

You pulled away, cheeks flushing just a tad. You'd always had an eye for the younger man, he was so tender, and he dreamed.

He rubbed the back of his head, "I could invite you in?" He asked, earning a laugh from yourself.

"I'd like that?" You snorted.

Nozomu stood there like a stick in the mud, unmoving.

You looked back, "go tell the crew to do their own thing, I'll be back soon enough."

Nozomu sighed and nodded, a small smile on his face as he turned around to go tell his crew the news.

The news which was already assumed to be news in the first place.

You yourself were more of a loner, you enjoyed time to yourself.

That's what irritated your first mate. He wanted to be by your side, all the time. He wanted to learn the secrets you shared with Roger and his crew, with whitebeard and his crew.

He wanted to know what no one else knew besides the select few that lived these days.

And yet, even after thirty years, it seemed you KNEW that he wasn't someone to be opened up to. A gut feeling is the best feeling. That's what Roger told you.

Cricket snapped you from this trance by flicking your forehead, earning a huff from yourself.

"What happened to your hair?" He asked, "It used to be so long."

"Its just how my hair is, I've got thick, small and large curls, my hair can't choose." You chuckled, and shook your head. "Just like Noland, eh?" You pointed to the chestnut-looking hair.

He sighed, "yes, I know."

You giggled, and layed on the floor of the small home while he sat down on a chair.

"Remember when we were younger? And we used to dive together?" You asked, looking over.

He nodded with a smile, "you always went up too early."

"For your taste." You retorted.

"Thats very true." He smirked smugly.

You sighed, "we were so fucking young."

He nodded, "It was nice seeing you again, seeing my inspiration, if you will."

You laughed, and shook your head, "You're such a flirt." You flicked your hand at him.

He sighed, and stood up. "I wouldn't want to keep your adventure waiting though, Y/n." He began, "but take this with you. Don't forget me." He winked with a shit-eating grin on his face as he held out your old bracelet.

"Woah! I thought i lost this at sea!" You exclaimed, and grabbed it from him, holding it like it would snap in an instant. Which it would, it was poorly made by a man.

You placed it on your wrist, "it isn't coming off. I promise." You hummed.

The two of you talked until the night began to interrupt your conversation.

Crickets began to chirp, and many forest animals awakening.

You sighed to yourself, shaking your head, you didn't want to leave so soon. You wouldn't leave the island- since you heard a certain warlord was over here- but you wanted to see your old crush just a bit more.

"So, what's gonna happen tomorrow?" Cricket had suddenly asked, lighting up a cigarette.

"Uh- I don't necessarily know." You said with a smile on your face, "Anything could happen at this point."


"Anything at all."

The two of you chuckled as memories flood into your old minds- of all the good times. All your times spent with Cricket were hilarious. You loved him with all of your heart- yet- you couldn't bring yourself to fully love someone right now.

You sighed, eyes closing as you gently stood up,  the crickets began to simmer down as you stretched and thumped your foot into the ground. Cricket smiled, shaking his head as he watched this familiar scenario. 

You laughed dryly, and looked down at your friend. "I'm afraid I have to head into the city again, there's a flamingo on the loose."

He looked over at you, eyes a little wide. 

"You mean-?" 

"Yes, Donquixote Doflamingo, The Joker, The Heavenly Demon." You cackled, grinning.

"Our visit is long overdue. Especially with that lackey of his. Bellamy. He ran out of the bar earlier, told Doflamingo." You hummed.

"Well, I wish you luck."  He said.

You began walking away, "I'll be back, I always come back." You grinned.


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