Chapter Eighteen

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"Its time to get to Sabaody, everyone!" You yelled, and smiled at those around you, "it'll take exactly one week from now to get there, so you all better be prepared to face Marines and more!" You yelled.

"I just hope we don't run into any Admirals, though they should be close at Sabaody." You whispered. "Shit! They should be deporting Kuzan in today, though I don't think i have to worry about him, he should just be riding his bike."

Maho looked over at you, "there's some cool icy man on the water!" She cheered, and like a fish out of water, you scrambled to the deck, and facepalmed, "just my fucking luck!"

He was coming straight towards you.

You aggressively pointed ahead of you, "that was is the goddamn Archipelago, go away!"

He just kept on pettling, much to your dissapointment.

He hopped up into the air, his bike on his shoulder as he landed on your ship.

"Fancy seeing you here, Aun- Y/n." He coughed into his elbow, making you snort.

"It's been awhile, almost 20 years, eh?" You began, "you've grown. I'm proud of you." You said with a smile, and walked over. You cupped his cheeks, and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

Everyone looked around like baboons in shock, well, the teenagers did. The older smirked and shoot their heads.

"You act the same, but you've grown old." He smiled, "it suits you. You match Akainu."

"He was growing lines at 25." The two of you laughed, and patted each other on the back for that one.

"But down to business." He hopped away from you, "You're wanted poster has gone up a billion since you've been back."

"I have no idea why." You said, shrugging.

"Are...are you serious? Even i know why!" He yelled, "you've always been nonchalant about anything besides betrayal."

"Betrayal is the worst crime, ever."

"Can't argue with that."

The two of you both went back to glaring at each other, menacingly.

"Is it about the blank century?" You asked.

"Yes, it is." Kuzan hesitantly nodded, and crossed his arms, "you know that from being a higher up, and infiltrating celestial dragon HQ, AND THE ELDERS!"

"That heist was pretty impressive, you gotta admit." You hummed.

"True, it was." He nodded.

The two of you fist-bumped.

"I'll see you at Sabaody or something." You smiled.

"I'll see you, maybe." He began walking off, "just be weary of that place, that old man Rayleigh is still alive."

"Oh my god, my bestie?" You deadpanned, laughed, "oh I can't wait to see Shakky."

Aokiji shook his head, "You're still a good Auntie, Y/n."

With that, he began peddling off into the sunset, you couldn't help but grin.

Wow, he sure was smart. Trying to capture you wouldn't have been the smartest thing he'd ever done, and he'd probabaly be dropped off at Marie Geoise by yourself.

You were such a smug bitch to the world government. Boy. Being a bitch was the best thing to be.

You sighed, "I'll be taking a nap on the deck." You said, and flopped straight into the sun, "feel free to write on my stomach or something." You said to maho, who gasped and brought out the sunscreen.

She hadn't done this for years! You'd never let anyone by your stomach but her, it was such a vital part, and still hurt from double scarring when she first boarded this ship.

You sighed, and let her write things on your tummy as you drifted off into sleep.

Cherry blossoms blossomed, and Apple Blossoms happened to be aswell.

You stood with Roger, looking at the sunny sky.

"Where's that thorn in your side?" He asked with a grin, pulling you to him by your waist.

"Hes out with Shanks." You said, and leaned your head on his shoulder, "and he's not a thorn!" You laughed, shaking your head as Roger turned to hug you in full.

"Are you sure? I mean, he's always taking you away from us." Roger said.

"I've known him for a long time, ever since I quit the Marines." You said, and brushed Roger's hair away from his face.

He grinned, "well. That's quite the coincidence, isn't it? You never think, that he's a spy? Alot of papers have been stolen off my ship, and he's the culprit here."

Your eyes widened, and you frowned, "I am so, so sorry if he did."

"If he did, I know you'll keep them safe. You always know how to keep things safe." He said.

Roger relaxed in your arms as you hugged, "Rayleigh and yourself are the closest friends I've ever had, please don't let him rip away what we have." Roger said, and pulled you in closer.

"I won't, I couldn't." You murmured.

Scopper hit the two of you on the back of the head with his hands.

"Get to the party, idiots!" He said, and pulled you in for a hug quickly, whispering something about killing you if Nozomu came in between your true nakama.

You couldn't help but laugh, "I love you guys, so much." You all marched to the party, hand-in-hand as the three of you danced to the music.

Rayleigh watched you with a keen eye, you were the sweetest person, with one hell of a hard past. He admired how you glowed, but he knew it was a facade. A barrier to protect yourself. 

A fake.


You woke up with a groan, blinking as you cracked your neck back and forth for awhile. Maho had  written. 

"Best auntie ever B)"  

It had been a week, and about everyday, you'd lay on the ship, and take a nap. You were covered in writing at this point. You smiled, and shook your head as you stood up, visibly tanner than before. "Crew. Are we almost there?" You asked, looking at the racing tides and trees bigger than any you'd seen, well, maybe. You can't remember really.

Everyone cheered and nodded, their eyes closing as they smiled. It reminded you of how happy Roger's crew was, and ignited a fire in your heart. "I love you guys so much! We arrived right on time!" 

Nejirou patted himself on the back and chuckled when you bopped him on the back of the head. Everyone laughed, and crowded around, hugging you tight. This was what life was supposed to be like with your crew. It was supposed to be happy, to be loving, to be everything good.

As you slowly arrived to sabaody, there was one thing crossing your mind.

"Did Luffy really beat me!?"  

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