Chapter Sixteen

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The salty sea air hit your nose as you looked around. This sure was a wet city...just how you remembered it.

"Just where is that Iceberg." You mumbled, "shit, that twerp became the mayor." You sighed.

You had ditched your crew for- what seemed like the thousandth time. Nozomu would just have to wait for that dinner date.

Weren't one for dates anyway.

Your eyes locked onto a figure, hair purple, lips red as blood. Iceberg.

"Hohoho!" You chuckled, and started running towards him. There was no hostility in your little jog, but iceberg couldn't help but wonder why he knew you. Then it hit him. His face flushed as you neared closer and closer. 

"Iceberg! It's so nice to see you again, you've grown up so much!" You cooed, smiling at him sweetly. 

He remembered when you would cook for them, saying it was the least you could do. Tom would laugh, and say your money, and the experience is good enough for him. You'd just smile at him, and serve them the delicious meal you prepared. 

He smiled at you, and pulled you in for a hug, "it's nice to see that you're still alive." His childish expression warmed your heart as he rested on your abs.

Many looked around, warmly smiling as they saw their boss so happy. 

Paulie on the other hand, wasn't having your 'indecency' problem. He stomped over, and started yelling about how you "needed to put some clothes on." 

Your face went blank, looking down at Paulie. "Who are you to tell me that I can't dress the way that I would like? I don't care who you are, but you won't tell me to put some clothes on." You snapped, and looked back at iceberg, "have anything planned today?" 

As if on cue, his secretary came in, kicking your abs, "don't disrespect the mayor like that." You simply grabbed her ankle, and set it on the ground.

You knew her, from somewhere. 

You shook your head, and sighed. "Im not disrespecting him, if anything, I've been disrespected by being hit at and on."

Kalifa pushed up her glasses and huffed, "I apologize for my rudeness, you see, the mayor is on a very tight schedule."

"Oh, then I guess we can't catch up." You said with a smile on your face, eyes closing.

"Kalifa, why are you wearing clothes like that!" Paulie exclaimed, his face getting shoved in the ground by Lucci, who looked at you with a glint in his eye.


Your eyes opened, making contact with his.

Holy shit, holy SHIT!

There was a bird on his shoulder, Hatori- that could only mean-!

"Nice to meet you Lucci, I'm Monkey D. Y/N." You said softly, holding out a hand for him to shake.

He took your hand, silently nodding his head as you shook his hand.

"Kalifa- clear my schedule." Iceberg suddenly said, taking your free hand in his. His cheeks were a soft pink, his childishness shining through. 

You squeezed his hand, and smiled. Lucci was caught by surprise, you had such compassion for someone you met so many years ago.  You were still a pirate, you still needed to serve your justice. 

Where...did you go? 

Kalifa huffed, and shook her head, pushing up her glasses as lucci peered over at her. "They left to eat." She said, "Bluenoe will take good care of them, lucci." A glint in her eyes showed the true intentions of her words.

Lucci grinned, but quickly went back into character when he saw Paulie look over. Didn't even notice.


"Yeah! I'm surprised he isn't dead yet." You hummed, throwing those reading into the conversation you were having over a nice dinner. 

Iceberg chuckled, shaking his head as he messed with his spaghetti, he whished you would've made this spaghetti. 


"Nozomu.." you huffed, eyes closing as you gently rubbed your temples. You grabbed the snail out of your sports bra, and clicked it.


"Hey- Nozomu." You sighed, fixing the strap to your bra as iceberg watched you nervously shift in your seat.

He sighed, that man always made you uncomfortable.

He heard some banter over the phone.

"Well I'm sorry, sorry  I wanted to have dinner with someone i haven't seen in years! I see you every damn day! It's not like we're FUCKING dating!" You snarled, and hung up.


Your eyes closed as you rubbed your temples. "Shall we continue?" You asked, opening your eyes to smile at him.

He was frowning.

Your smile dropped, "what's wrong?"

"I hate how he treats you, I mean, you seem so stressed!" He exclaimed, placing his hands on the table.

You placed your hands on his, smiling. "Im okay. Friends annoy friends sometimes." You said, shaking your head.

The two of you continued to eat, silence taking over the table.


After your dinner, you stood, and fixed your pants with a smile.

"Sorry about earlier, he's been my friend for 30 years, I mean, I can't get rid of him. He's glue to paper." You laughed, shaking your head.

"One day, that paper is going to rip, what will you do then?" He asked you, frowning.

You looked down at him, "we...we'll cross that bridge when we get there." You said softly, and crossed your arms.

"That bridge, Y/n, is closer than you think be careful." He said, and hugged you, sighing.

Your hugs were always the best.

You hugged him back, but, something was definitely on your mind. Something he said.

You pulled away, and looked down at him with a smile. "Thank you, so much. I enjoyed catching up with you. I really did."

"We didn't really do much, did we?" Iceberg asked, running his hand through his hair.

"I guess not, it's been  quiet, but the tides roar." You said softly, closing your eyes.

His eyes widened as he looked at you, your skin almost...glowing.

Your will, why was it shining so brightly?

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