Chapter Thirteen

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The ocean's waves crashed into your bodice as you held a certain man close.

"The ocean, its such a powerful thing." You muttered, eyes closing as the salty water splashed onto your skin. It speckled, leaving warm, moist droplets on your chest and arms.

His eyes met yours, it was sudden, but noticeable. 

"The ocean is also a dangerous thing, Y/n."  He stated, and reached up to caress your skin. His fingers brushed against the peach fuzz on your face, making you shiver ever so slightly. 

"Why are you still afraid of my touch?" He asked, "everyone on the ship loves you, you know? Roger adores you, yet you're still afraid."

"It's complicated." You said, "I love you guys too, but it's a struggle." 

"Do it afraid." He suddenly said, making you look down at him curiously. 

"Do what?" You asked, voice cracking just a tad.

"If you're scared, just do it afraid." He stated, and  smiled up at you. His blonde hair suddenly blew against your face, your black hair swirling around.

The two of you began to laugh.

"Do it afraid, huh?" You hummed, "that's a sweet idea."

Your eyes opened in the bar, looking to the side. A large hand was placed onto your shoulder. It was rather uncomfortable. 

"Fufufufu~ Causing a ruckus, are we?" He asked, taking a seat on the bar itself. No one complained; he was a warlord.

"No, not really. Your lackey was annoying." You stated honestly, sipping your fruity drink.

He laughed, "He's a stupid one, yes, but he's MINE." 

You laughed, "no human is ever truly yours, Heavenly Demon, not until your full trust is put into them." 

"Foolish, you can't trust anyone." He huffed, raising a brow. "How do you think I got so high up?" 

"By being harsh, by killing others, by using people for your own gain."  You answered, "but that's not the point of life, the point of life is to be happy, to be free." 

His brows furrowed, "You, are an idiot." He spoke. 

"I, am happy." You retorted, and glared at him.

He flinched, your smile had dropped so, so suddenly. It wasn't right.

"Dont know if you know, but I earned my bounty, you're just a weak, nobody in my eyes, squirt." You snarled, and stood up. " it's nice to meet you, though, your style is on point." 

He was taken aback by the casual compliment. His eyes widened as you bought him a drink, but it's not like you could see it.

You yawned, and took another sip of your cocktail. 

He watched as the Persephone's kiss was placed in front of him. A fruity drink? You knew him well enough, he assumed. 

He sipped the beverage, smiling to himself as the delicious flavor hit his tounge.

"You know how to drink, Fufufufu~!" He chuckled, shaking his head as you looked over with a small smile.

"Thanks, I guess." You looked back at your drink, swirling it around. Failing to notice the strings coming at you, you bent down to pick up the straw you suddenly dropped. 

The strings connected to the bar counter, gently slicing through the wood; as if it were cake.

You glared over at Doflamingo, smile dropping as you sat up, narrowly missing the strings that were sharper than blades. 

"You're kidding. Just when I thought things were going so well. I even bought you a drink." You grinned, and leaned closer to him. He leaned closer as well, his tongue lulling out. 

"I'm a warlord, Y/n, though I don't care what you do, you're strong." His hand lurched forward, yet stopped to slowly run his fingers through your hair. "You'd be a great alliance, Fufufufu..." 

Your eyes closed, leaning into his touch. He knew you were still staring at him, peering into his being. Just how strong are you? 

Your eyes opened, pulling away from his touch. "I- sorry, not really used to that happening." You flushed, and waved your hand at him in a vertical motion.

He chuckled, and tilted his head. "Oh really now~?"

He slowly towered over you, though towering over was a strong word. In reality, you were the same, exact high, but who's really keeping track, hm?

"Uh- what's happening-?"

You engulfed by pink, fluffy madness. the aroma of cologne, a hint of sex, and vanilla overrode your senses. Your arms slowly wrapped around him, patting his back gently. 

You felt his face against your neck, shivering as his breath hit your nape. Just what was he doing?

Oh, shit, you knew what he was doing. 

Your body was covered in a thin layer of armament haki. Doflamingo pulled away from you with what he thought was victory. His head tilted, hand rising as his fingers moved with dexterity. 

You sat in the same spot, looking at him with a bored expression. "I'm not a puppet on a string, flamingo, realize who's above you." You knew that you got under his skin, he shivered, glaring at you.

"You...think you're above me?" He asked, and began to chuckle, "now, I'm just getting annoyed, your bounty means nothing. Your bounty doesn't show how strong you are, it shows how much you pissed off the fucking government." He hissed.

"When I was offered to be a Yonkou, I declined, when I was offered an alliance with big mom, I declined, but I have an alliance with your alliance. I wouldn't think about touching me for one. Fucking. Second." You smiled, and closed your eyes.

He muttered something under his breath before grinning at you.

"You're a fucking bitch, you know that? He asked, furrowing his brows as he stood up. Doflamingo extended his hand out to you, "let's make an alliance, as we're already partners with him." 

You nodded, and shook his hand, "The Rocketto Pirates is part of your family, flamingo." You said softly,  a smile on your face. 

He flushed, and shook his head, laughing, "of course, you're a strong one, my strings don't even hurt you." 

"Haki, you should know that." You winked, "guess my will is stronger than yours, comes with age." Ruffling his hair, you stood up. "I'll see you, when I get to the new world. A new pirate comes to play." You chuckled, and made your way towards the door of the empty bar.

"Oh!" You exclaimed, and turned towards him, walking over with a grin. "Allies need contact with each other, right?" A snail was handed to him, It was small, and resembled yourself.

He fixed his hair, and glanced at the snail before pulling out his own. 

You gasped as he handed it to you.

He laughed, and shook his head as you pet the snail, "I'll take good care of the lil guy!" You cooed, and hugged Doflamingo. 

He patted your back before you pulled away. 

"Okay, I'll see you soon, Doffy." You hummed, and walked out the door with a pep in your step.

He looked out the door, and watched you leave. 

Such an interesting person you were. How could he get under your skin?

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