Chapter Seven

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Cigarette. Daydream.

You were only seventeen.

The gentle flow of the waves have always entranced you when your eyes met them.

You never understood why. The reasoning behind everything. It was unclear, and a burden.

You never understood people. Why they told so many lies, and leaked truths about others. No one was trustworthy in this life, and yet you still held your arms out to them. Ready to catch anyone who fell.

Because you knew that even though they might not have the best past. People can change, and that's what really matters. Change into someone better, a better version of your past self.

You were snapped out of your subconscious, thrown into a world of blues and shadow.

The sheets covered your form in a generous manner, your head turning to see crocodile laying there, a peaceful expression as he snored.

Oh. You remember what happened. This was definetly one of the first times you'd slept with someone on the first night. Though it wasn't the first time you'd woken up to see someone next to you, seemingly peaceful.

You sat up, the covers barely covering your naked body. Looking at Crocodile one more, you couldn't help but smile. Somehow, he managed to bed you. Not that you minded or anything- it was actually nice. It's been awhile since you'd had some hard-core sex.

Too much? Probabaly.

You slipped out of the bed, pulling on your clothes from last night. It wasn't the most sanitary, but you had to wait at least until you got to your ship.

You didn't really want to leave, but you barely knew crocodile. It wasn't time for you to settle down just yet.

Peering over the male, you leaned down, kissing his cheek gently.

The feeling of cold metal sent shivers down your spine as you were pulled in by his hook.

"Why are you up, and dressed?" He asked, his eyes scanning along your body.

You sheepishly chuckled, "Well, I was going to leave after you woke up." You admitted, truths were the only thing leaving your lips.

He pressed his lips against yours, only pulling you closer.

You complied, laying on his chest your legs slightly dangled off of the bed. Wow. Demons can feast now. Those sweet, sweet toes.

"You can't leave, you must stay to see when I take over the sands." He said, his forehead against yours.

How did you get here? You didn't know. This happens- way more often than it should. You probably spilled your feelings last night...or you were the best pussy he's ever had. Those were all the options.

Your hands caressed his cheek, the right one..specifically, and you couldnt help but laugh.

"I don't think you understand, Crocy, but, I have to go to see my Nephew- I have to get past the redline before he gets to Sabaody." You whispered, hand trailing to his chest, rubbing it softly.

He sighed, frowning at you. He was obviously angry, and you didn't like it when- powerful people were angry.

You shot up, and out of his grip. "Listen, I'm really sorry to leave you on such a short notice, but like, maybe I'll see you again?"

You grabbed your bag rather quickly, shoving it over your shoulder. "I really enjoyed my time with you. I'm not a one-night stand type of person, so please keep in touch." You winked, and jogged out the door.

The naked man known as Crocodile watched the door swing as you left.

A transponder snail of vibrant colors sat on his nightstand.

He couldn't help but smile at the thought of meeting you again. He really couldn't.


You walked down the roads of Rain Base, looking for your crew. Your eyes closed as you fixed your hair. Wow, what a day.

You cracked your neck, and rolled your shoulders. Successfully catching the attention of the people who dwelled in Rainbase. Shrugging to yourself, you smiled, and walked into the hotel you called home for awhile.

Walking up to the receptionist, you gave them a smile, "hi! There's a few rooms under either Y/n or Nozomu."

The receptionist smiled at you, and began typing in the keyboard, "yes, I believe a man under the name Nozomu booked 6 rooms under your name." They explained, an elegant accent echoing through the room.

"Oh, my." You said, flushing up. You quickly collected yourself. "Thank you so much, If I could just know the number of the rooms?"

"Yes, of course ma'am. 4, 6, 7, 14, 17." She explained. "The room unoccupied is 4, which is right up the stairs and to the right."

"Thank you so much! I appreciate everything you're doing." You hummed, and turned to walk off.

Tommorow morning, you set off.

Hopefully, you were faster than Luffy was. You probabaly were though....probably.

|Her Sea of Secrets| Rayleigh x Reader x CrocodileWhere stories live. Discover now