Chapter Nine

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"GEHAHAHAH!" You cackled as the night sky shimmered above the crews of pirates having a good time.

Your eyes met a new friend's.

"So, Tell me your story, Traitor." He grinned. Oh that grin.

"You really wanna know, pirate king?" You asked, raising a brow as you fixed yourself across from him. Your arms layed on your knees as you leaned forward, giving him a smile.

"Its not too tragic, if that's what you hoped for." You chuckled.

"I come from a place known as Goa Kingdom. You may have heard about it. There is was raised by a grumpy man who i call my father. He's something else. I also had a younger brother, I always called him 'idiot' cause he was one. He's reallll smart now though." You began, smiling softly.

"But, that was a long time ago. Now I only see my brother in newspapers, and to my father- a dissapointment." You sighed, and looked at the sea, which crashed and swallowed the sand.

"I used to be a marine. You know? Thats how i got my title!" You cackled, and shook your head. "But, I got pretty high up, a vice admiral, I basically stuck to training rookies, you know, the basics."

Roger nodded, showing he was still interested in this conversation.

Newgate leaned in to gain more information. He still swears that's the reason to this day.

"Well, as I'm training this rookie, I'm like, WOAH, ATTRACTIVE! He wasn't, now that i look back on it, but he was cute, i guess." You explained twisting your hand side to side.

Roger couldn't help but laugh, Newgate the same.

Your rolled your eyes, "Anyways, the important part is I met him. After he climbed the ranks, we were all offered admiral jobs. I declined to stay with my pops, while the others took the jobs. That's Aokiji, Kizaru, and Akainu to you." You winked.

Looking shocked, newgate and Roger looked at eachothers face with their hands on their mouths. As if they were girls gossiping.

Your eyes almost rolled into the back of your head, you swore.

"God, anyways. Me and Akainu started dating-"

"What the fuck?!" The two of them exclaimed in unison, catching the eyes of Rayleigh and Marco. They came over to listen.

"Akainu?! Why him?!" Roger cackled like an idiot, "what a taste in men you have!"

You pinched the bridge of your nose. "I will punt you, Roger."

"I'll stop lass, I will!" He exclaimed, and placed his hands out infront of him.

"Any-fucking-way, we dated for about a year, he proposed to me. Of course I said yes-"

Whitebeard lost his shit, laughing his ass off as the island began to shake.

"Just rub in my face how stupid i am Tightey-Whitey!" You yelled, glaring at him.

He held his hands out infront of him, holding back the irritation the nickname gave him. He really had some anger issues, that's what you always said. Because he DID.

"Ugh! Anyway. We got married. Worst mistake I've made in my life. He's never home, and when he is I'm always on a tightrope! I had to be a housewife for this bitch, i swear! And then he wants me to be on my toes, and give him tiny kisses on the cheek when he's angry. And listen to his everY beck anD FUCKING CALL!" You huffed, and rubbed your temples.

"I think the FUCK not!" Rayleigh grumbled, arm around your waist.

You rubbed his head, letting it rest on your chest.

"I mean, he traumatized me, burned me anytime I said no, and basically made me his SLAVE. Like, no, I don't want to run you a bath. Oh really? BURN." You huffed, and pressed a kiss to Rayleigh's head.

"I just..want to be with someone, and start my own family. I want to see my dad, and i want him to be proud of who I became." You said as your eyebrows furrowed. "I believe that I'm nothing, just some pirate with nothing else to do."

Roger pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, "sometimes, ya just make life worth living. I get to listen to yer bullshit sentences and correct ye on em'!" He laughed.

"You ain't worthless lass, you just haven't found the right person, and when that time comes along...your heart'll beat faster than it ever has before! I promise ya!" He grinned.

You hugged back, gripping his shoulders as your held back tears. "Yeah...I guess so. I'll hold onto that one, and if it doesn't happen...I'll see you in fucking hell!" You exclaimed, pulling away as you shook his shoulders.

He laughed the whole time, "no..I'm afraid I'll be seeing you in heaven, lass."

"Well. We've all murdered someone. I think it's too late, friend." Newgate admitted, and laughed, "just kick back and relax, Y/n, you have us as a family. Every one of us."

"I know, but I want my own, you understand?"

"Sure, I understand, the fact that you think that blood defines family. It doesn't! Never will it! Family is anyone who's close enough to he considered! Your nakama is your crew, they know who you truly are!" He raised his glass, and everyone cheered.

You just stood there, processing the information that was given to you.

We're people who boarded your ship, and helped you...really family? Were they really someone to be trusted?

No one could be trusted, nobody but Roger, Rayleigh, Marco, and Whitebeard. They were your true nakama.

They held the key to your heart.

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