Chapter Seventeen

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I wonder. I said to myself, if I could swim like the fish in the sea.

Oh, but you can, and we can do it together. The color-soaked man said as he grabbed my hand, and plunged into the water with me. We held onto each other, looking into the other's eyes; And we laughed.

You woke up to the safety your ship, and the annoyance of Nozomu. "Captain! Captain!" He roared, and nearly fell when the door swung open.

"Im not in the mood, Nozomu." You snarled, and gave him a nasty expression. He just smiled and pulled you in for a hug, his head resting on your stomach, "I've missed you so much! You were locked in here all night." He huffed.

"Yeah...I wonder why." You sighed.

He took you out onto the deck, where the sun beamed down on your sun-kissed skin, your curly-wavy hair bouncing as you stepped into the 'key-lock' of the heart-locket.

"Everyone, here!" You yelled.

They all rushed to the locket's key, and stood like soldiers to attention as you smiled.

"Azzy. Nejirou, Sejirou, Nakajima, Nezuki, Rosie!" You called out to about half of your members, who ran to get infront of you.

"Go get started on lunch, I'll help in a minute." You said and patted the teens heads. They ran inside.

"Now. Mizuno!" You called. The older woman walked up to you with a smile, and hugged you tight, "it feels good to say your name again." You hummed, "go drop the sail."

Nejirou ran back out a few seconds after you finished, "Captain, you always forget that I'm the navigator!" He yelled.

You chuckled," You're young, don't blame me."

He huffed, and crossed his arms before running up to the ships wheel.

"Maho!" You yelled, waiting for the red-haired half-Fishwoman.

She jumped into the air, and landed into your arms.

"How about you catch us some fish to eat, hm?" You asked, and kissed her forehead as she nodded frantically.

"To the sea, my dear maho." You hummed, and giggled.

Ichigo ran up to you, grey streaks in his hair as he patted your shoulder, "there are some men waiting off deck." He said.

"Thank you. Ichi, you've done well all these years." You pulled him in for a hug, chuckling.

Truth is, you knew CP9 members were here, as you know a person on your ship was infact apart of the world government, keeping track of you ever since you started sailing with them.

After today, this wouldn't be an issue.

You walked to the ladder of the ship, and stared down at Lucci and Kaku.

"Hmph, come to ruin me?" You asked, and jumped down, the ground cracking as your feet landed against the rough terrain.

They backed up, and looked up at you. "We're not here so you can ruin years of our work." Lucci snarled, and pet the bird on his shoulder.

"Have you come to collect him? He's not good at keeping secrets." You said, and laughed, "hes such an idiot." Your face dropped, glaring at them as your will seeped out of you.

They stumbled, and nodded, "hes not useful in the slightest here, he'd be better at headquarters." Kaku said, "and we trust you don't care about getting rid of him."

"Nope." You began, "NOZOMU! get your ASS down here." You yelled, and grinned as he basically teleported next to you.

"What is i-?" His face dropped when he saw you glaring at him.

"I was hoping one day, that you'd tell me the truth, come clean, but you're a dog, just like the whole world government." You admitted, "you may not care, but you've crushed my heart for years. I hope you're happy." You said, and turned.

A foot connected with your back, though it was quickly followed by a yelp of pain.

"You're truly an idiot."

Nozomu watched as you jumped up in the newly-fixed ship, and looked down at him.

"If I ever see your face again, you won't be alive." He watched as the ship left, and he almost cried. He just lost someone who spent 30 years with him, and it was his fault, not that he cared that it was.

Slowly, Nozomu grinned, and held out the papers he stole, "I've got all the information you need to know."

Yet, he failed to realize, that he doesn't know everything about you, there were 24 years he hadn't spent with you.


There was no yelling in the morning. There was no one to bust down your door and forcibly wake you up. There was no one to laugh and hug you even if you didn't want one, yet needed one from somebody.

You sat in your bed, wiping your eyes as you thought back on the 30 years you spent with him, more than half your life was with him, and everything just felt so empty.

Maho entered the room, and sat next to you on your bed.

"He took you away from us." She said, "yesterday, was the only day you'd spoken to me like that, Auntie. In a year."

You looked over at her, "I'm sorry, my little miha, I never wanted him to take me away from my Nakama."

She wrapped her arms around your waist and burried herself into your chest.

You smiled, and picked her up, letting her sit on your arm as she hugged you. Tears ran from her eyes as you began to cry.

"I didn't know he was so hurtful to this crew. I'm so sorry, my little girl."

The whole crew nestled inside your little room. Some sat on the floor, some on the bed, and some on you.

"Sejirou, Nejirou, Nezuki, Azzy, Nakajima, Rosie, Mizuno, Maho, Ichigo." You smiled, and began to laugh, "this is to new beginnings! I'm sorry for my blindness, but those cloudy skies have faded into sunny. A thousands suns shine down upon us, and grant us a fresh start. May We all live in harmony in our final days!"

Everyone cheered, and you couldn't help but smile as you looked at everyone in your crew. Maybe, this was for the best.

|Her Sea of Secrets| Rayleigh x Reader x CrocodileWhere stories live. Discover now