Chapter Six

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The blabbering of your stories is all Crocodile had been listening to as he worked for these past three hours. He wasn't getting tired of it.

You always had something new to say, comment, and laugh about. It was weird, and out of character for him to like this kind of alone time with someone else- but he didn't pay mind to himself, he just enjoyed this. That was all he knew.

You turned to look at his focused expression, his hand holding the pen with precision. The ink swiping along the paper, leaving some of the neatest handwriting you've seen.

That didn't really say much, though.

He eventually looked up to see you staring at his hand, zoned out.

He let the smallest of smiles make its way onto his face, and yet he didn't know why.

Frustrated, he turned back to his papers, feeling the burn of your stare.

Eventually, you came back to your senses, immediately immersing crocodile into another story of yours.

"So, this one time, I was sailing along Whitebeard, okay? And I happened to be with Izo. Izo is a very pretty man, and he's just- so fine sometimes, i swear. I'd love him FOREVER" You began.

"Mhm.." crocodile responded, moving to another paper.

Robin was staring at the Crocodile's in the water, somewhat listening to your stories aswell.

"So, I'm fighting with him, alright? And pops decided enough was enough, so he threw me overboard, he could've killed me! Luckily, I was saved before i hit the water- but got a good cut in the stomach by Marco's talons- which- admittedly - was annoying." You huffed, and changed positions in your chair for what seemed liked the tenth time.

You now sat upside down, your bottom against the back of the seat, and your back against the bottom. Not confusing at all, I hope.

Crocodile snuck a glance of your new position, shaking his head with a smirk.

Skimming over his paperwork one last time, he stood up. You watched as he walked over to his couch.

He plopped into his seat, looking back at you, "Come sit with me." He said, sighing softly as he turned his head to watch the Gators swim freely.

You flipped over the chair, shoes slamming against the floor- almost breaking actually.

You smiled, and looked over at Robin before sitting next to crocodile.

"Whats up?" You asked, running your fingers through your- as of now- not-so silky smooth locks.

You took your hands out midway through, mentally cursing your hair's type. You had to straighten it and make sure it didn't DIE each time.

And it shrunk, it always shrunk.

"Must you leave, Y/n?" He asked, looking over with a frustrated expression.

"I've finally found one more competent and powerful enough to ally me in achieving my goal here in Alabasta." He finished.

"Well, im sorry.." you began, frowning at him.

"I'd love to stay longer, and I'd sure love to help- but I've got other things going on in my life right now, Crocy." You mumbled, laying your head on his shoulder with your arms crossed.

Your tone was genuine. You were always frustrated by the fact that you'd never had enough time to figure anything out. Even in hiding.

Something always came up, always distracted you. Always drove you insane.

You could never think well enough.

An arm was placed around your shoulder, thumb rubbing the ball of said shoulder.

Crocodile wasn't the one for comfort, especially when something useful was leaving whenever it hadn't been used- but something sparked inside of him.

He hated whatever the fuck you were doing to him.

No matter, this was still enjoyable...he hated to admit that.

"Its fine, but- why would you ever want to stay?" He suddenly asked.

"I weirdly like you, you're really cute, and there's just something about you that i can't out my finger on." You said, smiling.

"You barely know me." He chuckled, "why would you take a chance to be with me?"

"I have little to loose, but- I have a good judgement of character." You said, flushing as you grabbed his chin, turning him to face you.

His face deepened in color, watching your lips as you leaned closer, the tension in the room so thick, that a knife could've sliced the air itself.

You lightly pressed your lips against his, letting his hand slip to your hip, caress it, squeeze it.

He returned the soft, but odd kiss, pulling away whenever you had done so aswell.

"That...was out of the blue, and fast, I admit." You said, rubbing the back of your head, "I just didn't know what to say! And I sorta just decided to mw-"

His lips pressed back against yours, his hooked hand around your waist as his actual hand cupped your cheek.

You giggled against the kiss, and placed your hands on both of his cheeks. He leaned over, pushing you to the seat of the couch.

Robin saw herself out then.

His lips disconnected from yours. "I don't know what it is about you.."

Your lips then pressed together once more. Your hand held the back of his head and pressed him in place. You held no care in the world for anything else as of now.

You pulled away, "I don't know what it is about you either..." you breathlessly laughed, and pressed your lips back against his.

Your hands gripped his waist coat this time, making sure he was flush against you.

Legs wrapped around a waist, and hands trailed along bodies.

Kisses along necks, and passionate bites.

Light pinching of skin, and harsh gropes to certain parts.

The small visit, soon turned into a full-on makeout session. Why? I couldn't tell you.

The chemistry between the two of you had exploded into the air, and as lips crashed together again and again.

You finally realized, that maybe- liking someone wasn't he worst thing in the world.

He seemed like a kind person to his significant other, and you kind of wanted to be that significant other.

But this was just the beginning of the story, you see.

There is much more that needs to be done.

|Her Sea of Secrets| Rayleigh x Reader x CrocodileWhere stories live. Discover now