Chapter 1: first encounters

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I stood in front of an intimidating door. I disliked being reminded how lowly I was, but it was the truth, and I had to embrace it. Maybe I could even make it my weapon, somehow. But the feeling in my chest that thought produced wasn't pleasant.

I had been put in my place, which was the very bottom, apparently. I was cocky before but only after I had trained for almost a year did I feel that I finally had the right to feel confident. He didn't agree. I could see the joy in his lips as he told me "you're weak".

I am not good enough with words to describe that feeling. He behaved as if all that training (during which I improved immensely, mind you) had only got me to the starting line. I'm sure that in his eyes that is true. Gosh, he annoys me so much! But he's family, I reminded myself, and he is powerful.

And power comes in many ways. It is thanks to his recommendation that I even made it to U.A High School. I probably would have flunked the entrance exams if it weren't for his influence and family name.

As I was lost in thought standing in the hallway, I heard someone's panicky voice emerge. Poof, I was gone. That is, I used my quirk out of habit. Not the way I wanted my first day of high school to begin, that's for sure.

Everything I heard, or tried my very best to hear, was muffled. I could only make out some sounds as I watched the familiar boy with green hair introduce himself. Memoria Idugu?

I hugged the wall to the only other vacant seat that was at the back of the classroom. I sat next to a boy with red and white hair and made myself human again. But I stayed quiet. I could play this off as having no presence, like that one basketball player. I am not sure whether using my quirk would get me in trouble, and I had promised my mum that I'd not get in trouble the first day. Dang it!!

"Oh, hello," the boy said.

"Hiiiiii!" I smiled back.

"I didn't notice you coming in."

"Welp, you know how it is. Doors, am I right?" I responded with an awkwardly fake laugh. Stupid me, you need to stop doing that, it's so.... What's the word... yeah, right. FAKE!!

"No, I don't know how it is," he replied with utmost seriousness and unsettling calmness. His response shocked me to the core.

Good thing that it did because there was a gloomy man in black standing in the doorway. He was our teacher and we needed to change and head outside. Well, that's what I gathered from everyone else's chatter and behaviour. I was still trying to recover from that boy's point-blank call-out.

Outside in that weirdly unflattering track suit we were told that a quirk assessment test was due. Today. Nice. It's like Tokyo all over again.

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