Chapter 8: a tear in my plan

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My whole world crumbled. "What do you mean I won't be able to participate?"

"You won't be one of the students competing and you won't be shown on camera, unless you're accidentally shown with the rest of the audience."

I looked at him with a blank expression.

"Long story short: no one will know you're a student in the hero course."

"All this for skipping school? Is this some sort of sick payback for not getting injured?"

"Of course not, don't be ridiculous. You're dismissed."

I left the room feeling angry, my lack of goodbyes was proof of that.

I wanted to scream, but first I needed to calm down before I accidentally actually did it. Remember, don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself. It's fine.

It wasn't. It was a huge blow to my plan of reforming the hero society. The sports festival was the perfect opportunity as it was the most watched event in the world.

To put it simply, I disliked how the only people who were allowed to use their quirks (aka heroes) had ulterior motives. I believe that everyone should have the right to at least defend themselves with their quirks, instead of waiting for those lousy show-offs to arrive. Wouldn't chaos ensue? No, because villains are already using their quirks to harm others, so I don't see why a person shouldn't be allowed to stand up for their safety. I realise that my message is dangerous to those benefitting from the way things are currently.

Gojo Satoru. He was the only one who knew about my dream. But he also doesn't like the way the higher-ups did things. The reason he became a teacher was to raise a new generation who thought differently. In essence, my dream was no different from his. Well, besides the fact that my dream included changing the whole system, which includes the whole country. But there is nothing that annoys me more than people relying too much on others.

It's human after all. By not acting it is easier for you to become a victim. And some people really enjoy the attention it gets them. I don't blame the actual victims, it's not their fault after all, but they become harder to notice and help with all the fake victims hogging all the attention. It doesn't even have to be a villain attack that renders someone a victim, it can be something as trivial as an underpaid employee not smiling enough. Not that the only cause of all problems is people's want of attention, but-

"HEY, watch where you're going!"

"Oh, sorry, Bakugou," I apologised for colliding with him at the turn in the hall.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" he worried, but only a little bit. I guess he must have noticed my tears.

"Yeah, don't worry about me. I just found out I'm not allowed to participate in the sports festival."

He looked surprised. "Why?"

"Apparently that's my punishment for skipping on Friday."

"What? That's stupid."

"I know, right?"

"Then," he started, "I'll win for you too."

Needless to say I was surprised. "Oh, ah, thank you!" I stumbled with my words. He walked off without uttering another word.

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