Chapter 4: the day before

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Combat Training the next day was surprisingly easy because I was assigned the 'hero' role; it wasn't difficult to transform myself into wind, scout out the weapon, notify Tokoyami and Tsu out of good manners, and then breeze through Sero's tape, transform back, and touch the weapon. No wonder Satorou found my quirk irresistible and ordered me tO SKIP SCHOOL ON FRIDAY. To be honest, I was still salty.

Another fun opportunity Basic Hero Training revealed that day was being able to witness someone else realize that they're not as good as they thought they were. Or, in Bakogou's case, he realized that he's not the only amazing one. But I think that Midoriya, or 'Deku', contributed to his shock far more than anyone else did, I just don't know why exactly. Thankfully I have gone under Boom Boom's radar, because I don't need another obnoxious person to deal with.

The following day news got out that All Might was teaching at our school, which made entering my education facility a hassle. I don't look that similar to my uncle, but if you look at me close enough, you'll notice it pretty easily. Well, that's assuming you know what he looks like, which I'm guessing these reporters might. Honestly, I have no idea how well-known he is to the public. He is a show-off, but he is also wise and definitely wouldn't do anything as stupid as gaining a fan base through television or any other media.

I have a somewhat love-hate relationship when it comes to media and heroes. On one hand I admire heroes who inspire others to become heroes too, but also at the same time I loathe heroes who took on this profession for any other reason besides saving others. At the end of the day, they do it for the attention, recognition and fame. There are other problems, of course, but-

"Hello! Earth calling Gojo-san," Uraraka distracted me from being distracted by my thoughts, "are you going to eat your food?"

"Aah, yes, of course. Sorry I got lost in thought. And please, everyone, call me Y/n."

"Sure thing, Y- Y- Y- Y/n!" Midoriya stuttered.

"Midoriya, why are you acting so nervous?" I asked with playful seriousness.

This time it was Deku who was saved by the bell, or more like an alarm followed by a voice informing us of a security breach and instructing us (superstars-in-training) to evacuate. The hallways got too crowded for my taste, so I transformed to air. I didn't hear exactly what happened, but I observed that Tenya Iida calmed everybody down and that the press was the one who breached security. Somehow. I can't imagine how they managed that. Midoriya passed his title on to Tenya because of his wonderful performance.

Friday was nearing and I was getting somewhat nervous. On Thursday I was anxiously trying to find out the Basic Hero Training plans to know what I'll miss out on. As I passed the teachers' room, I heard some muffled sounds. Thanks to the do-or-die nature of my quirk when it comes to eavesdropping, I could easily make out the word "rescue" in my human form (which was much more suited for gathering audible information anyway). (Real words are much easier than names as well!)

Rescue, I thought. Well, I might need some rescuing myself tomorrow.

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