Chapter 16: strong

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"The power," he started, "is something all of us in the Gojo family have. That's one of the reasons we're so powerful, aside from our naturally strong abilities. Everybody except for you has already embraced it so you're the only one who still has it in 'crystalised' form," he explained.

"What's it called?" I needed to know.

"Oh! It doesn't have a name because it's such a natural part of one's power set; it's not seen as something separate from the individual."

"When the league captured me, they asked me to give it to them."

"Oh, is that so?" he hummed.

Dang it, he should be more worried about me being captured.

"I dubbed it as the 'black sheep power'."

He laughed. "That's actually quite a fitting name in your situation!"

At least he was entertained.

"Were you referring to this when you said that I would be strong soon?"

"What? I don't remember saying that to a weakling like you."

I threw my slipper at him.

"Stop joking around! I want to know what happens when I merge it with my quirk!"

"If you want to become a hero, you probably shouldn't. It's too much power for a hero. And I have no idea how it will merge with your quirk."

I was confused and it showed on my face.

"You do know that I don't have a quirk like you. I'm a sorcerer but my powers are passed off as a quirk to avoid unnecessary confusion. But I'm not a hero either! Your powers, however, are different from the rest of the family because you took after your mother who also has a quirk."

"I don't see your point," I lied. I didn't want him to voice my fears.

"Like I said, I have no idea how that power reacts to your quirk besides enhancing it. But there's no guarantee it will be enhanced in a positive way. We're lucky the 'black sheep power' is crystalised, or else we could have had to deal with the side effects much sooner. Your powers are safe right now, so don't risk it."

"But what if I don't want to become a hero?"

"Your future occupation makes no difference. Don't do it," he was seriously worried although he tried to hide it. I could tell. But I still felt uneasy.

"How am I going to get stronger if I don't?"

"You'll only get stronger if you continue to train. But remember you're weak compared to me ...or the rest of the family."

I made a noise that conveyed my unsatisfaction.

"But, Y/n, know this: as a wannabe hero, you're already very strong."

I stared at him for a few seconds before tears started rolling down my cheeks. He had never called me strong, and I somehow knew he meant it.

Unbothered by my tears, he continued: "That's why I don't want you to risk your life. Become a hero. That's your happy ending. Don't cry, everything is fine."

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