Chapter 10: maniac princess

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It was dark, I couldn't see a thing.

Slash – and a lick. I couldn't move. The Hero Killer had got me.

"Welcome, young Miss Gojo."

I was startled. "Huh? How do you know who I am?"

"I know a Gojo when I see one."

I didn't know what to say. I was too scared to risk it. I had been so foolish. Why had I come here in the first place? To get answers? What answers? Why does it matter who's sabotaging my dreams if finding out means I won't get the satisfaction of knowing?

"No hero will come to save you," he tried to intimidate me. But it had the opposite effect.

"I know, right!" I laughed. "A lot of heroes don't deserve to be called heroes. I don't expect them to come and help me, I'll save myself."

I didn't see Stain's expression, but he left after that little speech. I sat there idly for some time until I felt a gush of wind from the main street. Someone was walking towards me. I could move but I decided not to, in case that could be viewed as a provocation. I should have because something hit my temple.

I woke up with a headache, obviously in an unfamiliar place. A bar of sorts? Stain was nowhere in sight. With me in the room were the top two in my 'people to avoid' list: Shigaraki and Kurogiri, villains who had attacked USJ.

Kurogiri noticed me first. "She's awake."

I really wish I could talk myself out of this mess, but something tells me it's not going to happen with this headache. Especially when the League was the first to talk.

"Welcome, young hero," Shigaraki started his speech with unusual enthusiasm, considering the overall vibe he gave off, "to the League of Villains. We're delighted to do business with you."

Finally! a chance to get these juicy answers I came to Hosu for. But I didn't like his choice of words. Something told me that I was about to be the medium of exchange, not the business partner.

"How do you know who I am? Why do you think I would join your lonely bunch?" I really wanted to know, I almost forgot to mask my excitement with suppressed anger.

It must have been the headache, but I was weirdly in control of my emotions. I felt calm. Or maybe I was just telling myself that so I wouldn't freak out. But I knew that if there's even a small crack somewhere, I could escape.

Yes, all I need is a small crack. Unfortunately, I can't move through walls because I can only transform back from the air I transformed into. If I didn't have that limitation, I could transport myself anywhere where there was enough oxygen and room for me to form back into human. But the reality is that I need to maintain my DNA in the air molecules to remain human. I don't know how much they know; I just hope they don't know much.

Shigaraki half-ignored my question. "You're from the Gojo family. It's only natural we're interested in someone as powerful as you."

I tried to act more royal, since he was treating me like one. "That's very kind of you but I believe you give my line too much credit. You see, I'm the black sheep of my family. Surely you are overestimating me."

"Has no one ever told you of the power you hold just because Gojo blood is running in your veins?" he pried. Yup, that's all that his was doing at this point. His prying was frying my brain. (Sorry not sorry.) Too bad he tried to stick his nose in something empty for I had no clue what he was hinting at.

I didn't answer, obviously. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know, but that would explain why uncle Satorou was so protective. It would also explain his only encouraging words he said to me ever since I started training with me.

The villains somehow knew about me and my powers, even before they had laid eyes on me. This doesn't make any sense! How could they know?? Unless...

No. It didn't matter. I got some sort of lead. Now to look for a way out. I suddenly felt the need to escape as soon as possible, and panic started to rise.

"The reason why you're here is because you're a black sheep, that means you can surrender that power to us. Everyone else in your family has already merged with it."

Well... this is intriguing.

"So, you're expecting me to be able to control a power whose existence I was oblivious to until a few moments ago? Are you crazy?" I asked, sounding more like a maniac than a princess.

Shigaraki didn't know what to say to that. An unknown voice entered the room, but I was already in my wind form to hear what it had to say. I certainly didn't see anyone who could have been the owner of that voice.

But whatever, best of luck to them. I was already exiting via a crack under the door I had scouted out while Shigaraki was trying to make me meddle with my power. My power. Satorou has a lot of explaining to do. And I hope he does; I was counting on it since I left rather prematurely in terms of gathering intel.

I was struggling to hold all of myself together in the cold night wind. I was desperately trying to get as far away from the villains as possible. I knew that I only had approximately ten minutes in my wind form before I started to lose my human properties. But with this panic in my bloodstream, it had probably dwindled down to five... or less.

The scary thing about this ability was that it had no safety precautions. If I wasn't mindful of the time, I would lose the chance to transform back to human. Just like the Little Mermaid transformed to foam. An insignificant part of the vastness that is this world, impossible to find once lost.

Living with this knowledge was a bit scary. I tried to forget about it, but I knew that I shouldn't. Or else I'm just begging for it.

I stopped on a roof, just in time to see the sunrise. I didn't have time to enjoy it though, I was too busy making sure I wasn't followed or attacked. As I was lying on the flat concrete roof trying to catch my breath, an elegant voice spoke to me.

"And what are you doing here at this hour, young hero?"

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