Chapter 7: teatime

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I was furious at him. I didn't know where to start. My head hurt.

"Let me tell you what I know so you don't have to worry your pretty little head," he offered. I nodded and plopped down on the couch.

"Yes, I knew about the attack. That's why I told you to not go that day. No, there was no other mission."

"That's all?" I was unsatisfied.

He didn't respond.

"Why didn't you notify the teachers when you knew that an attack was coming?"

He didn't respond.

"Answer me!" I was furious at this point.

"Sorry, Y/n. If you want to go apologise to the teacher, he's in the hospital."

"I know that."

There was a long silence before I broke it.

"Why can't you tell me?"

Once again, he didn't respond. Only stood up as if he were trying to leave.

"Don't you run away, you coward."

"I'm not," he smiled, "only making some tea."

I looked out of the window and wished I was somewhere far away. Not because I was afraid of him, honestly, I felt fearless at that moment, but objectively speaking, Gojo Satorou was a scary man.

"I think," he began with his usual calmness and continued with some added care, "you should just forget this happened. If you face any major repercussions I'll take care of them, mmkay?"

I sighed. "Thanks. Overthinking has never made anything better."

"Exactly, Y/n."

Feeling that this was as much as he'd say on the topic of today's events and led by the feelings of irritation his last comment provoked, I decided to mention what I had thought about earlier that day.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop mentioning who owes who what. I'm grateful for all you've done for me, and I love you (as my uncle) but I'd be more willing to cooperate if I did so out of my own will."

I turned to look at him and it seemed he had momentarily stopped whatever he was doing. I used this rare opportunity to keep talking.

"I want to feel like I'm living my own life. To me it feels like you're trying to live my life for me, pressuring me into doing what you want to do with these 'debts' that I don't even remember creating. From now on I owe you nothing but love."

He turned and looked back at me. He probably wasn't thrilled with what that speech entailed.

He then chuckled. "Sure, of course."

I was relieved. "Thanks."

"But do you still trust me?" he asked with caution.

"I never said I didn't. I just didn't like the way you were trying to control my life through my own hands."

"Aah, sorry if I made you feel this way," he said, a tone of insincerity echoing in his voice. I decided to ignore it.

He placed my tea on the coffee table and sat next to me on the couch.

"I just wanted to keep you safe and on the right track," he admitted.

"Thanks, that's what I guessed as well."

He gave me a comforting side hug and sipped his tea.

Desperate to change the atmosphere into something more casual, I tried to change the topic of discussion in the most natural way that wasn't obvious at all.

"This tea is really good."

He continued despite my best attempt. Maybe the fact that I hadn't sipped my tea yet gave it away.

"Don't go overboard during training. I know you want to improve and become a hero, but don't do anything out of the ordinary."

"Yeah, I know, I'm weak."

"Boom! Bullseye, Y/n"

I softly punched him in the arm. He looked at me with his glasses sliding down, revealing beautiful ocean eyes.

"But not for long," was his only answer.

I felt both excited and scared at the same time. That response reeked of mysteries unbeknownst to me, and it irked me that I was not in the position to ask and get a satisfying answer. And he knew that.

"No fair!"

Next time I was in class Mr. Aizawa was there as well despite his rather serious injuries. I really admired that about him, how he was dedicated to teaching young heroes. Naturally the sports festival was mentioned, and I was getting excited.

After Mummy-Aizawa and some other students had stopped discussing the benefits of the sports festival, including but not limited to fame and good internship offers, Aizawa rested his gaze upon me for a little bit longer than comfortable to get my attention. That was all I needed to know that I needed to see him after class. Right, the apology.

Aizawa had booked a lounge room for the two of us. I started by apologising, both for skipping school on Friday and not being able to apologise sooner. He didn't look interested in my apology. Or at least that's what I gathered from his bandaged face and arms.

"At least you didn't get into any trouble while you were skipping."

"Yes, sir!" I bowed once again.

"But as punishment, you won't be able to participate in the sports festival."

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