Chapter 15: the reveal

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"I won't hold back," he warned, "I'll be completely and brutally honest."

"Yes, please," I braced myself. I was prepared to get hurt.

"I sympathised with your dream, but I didn't agree with it. I was hoping you'd change your mind once you were surrounded by heroes and gotten used to the hero-filled environment, but it only seemed to enforce your ideas. My plan was to guide you on the path I viewed as most sensible."

My blood started boiling. He admitted that he was trying to live my life for me.

"Before you get mad at me, it was only because I cared about my dear family member."

That comment made me even more angry, but I didn't say anything as to not interrupt him. It was rare of him to reveal so much, so I tried not to discourage him.

"I knew that you'd want to give a speech at the sport festival, so I made you skip. But you probably already realized that it was so that your homeroom teacher would have an excuse to not let you participate. But considering how clever you are, you already figured that one out."

I nodded. "What about the villain's attack?"

"Complete luck!" he celebrated, surprising me with the sudden shift in tone. "I lied about knowing that they'd attack, but after I heard what happened I saw the importance of keeping you off their radar."

I couldn't resist. "And you lied to look cool?"

He sent me a look, which read "you probably would have figured it out if I didn't".

"But isn't it kind of inevitable that I would encounter villains as a hero course student?" I was curious.

"Not exactly so, Y/n. It's pretty rare for first years to encounter villains. Your class is an exception."

He's got a point. Mr. Aizawa also mentioned something similar, I remembered. I asked him to continue.

"I felt sorry that I ruined your big chance to show off, so I asked Best Jeanist to take you in. I knew that he'd capture your attention with his ways."

"So, you told him about my dream so he could 'correct' me for you?"

"Bingo, Y/n! It's not like you would have listened if it were me. And it was for your sake. You would have suffered in your lonesome."

I wanted to fight him on this, but I knew better not to. Although this type of behaviour is only human nature. I probably wouldn't have listened, and then I would have lost the only person I was somewhat close to.

So far so good, but I had figured as much (more or less). I wanted the juicy answers.

Thankfully he continued: "I notice that you have a scar on your face. Could it be related to the text you sent when you were in Hosu by any chance?"

I was suddenly embarrassed to talk about it.

"Bullseye, Satorou,"I deadpanned.

"So, tell me about it." His tone suddenly shifted to serious, and his face was an obvious warning that someone was about to get beat up. Whether it was me or anybody who had hurt me was unclear to me.

"I met the hero killer... and he used his quirk on me."

"And I'm assuming your crazy ideals somewhat matched his and he left you alone?"

"Seems so."

"Good going, Y/n!" he laughed. He was suddenly in a very good mood. "I don't mind you messing around as long as you make it out alive and unscathed."

He gave me a look, in jest and sarcastic, I assumed.

"Everything you told me I had already somewhat sussed out. But I'm still clueless about one thing."

His facial expression didn't change, which made it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

"The villains are after some sort of power I have," was all I needed to say before the atmosphere changed. I suddenly felt a chill.

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