Chapter 12: the day

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He had kept his promise, and I completed the paperwork for interning at Best Jeanist's agency. I hadn't heard from uncle Gojo.

I had sent him a message saying that I wanted to see him before I go to my internship, but he hadn't replied. He didn't pick up my calls either. Well, whatever. Not that he was very reliable in these kinds of situations in the first place.

As Mr. Aizawa was sending us all off to our agencies, I noticed that I boarded the same train as Bakugou.

I guess we're in the same region, I thought, there's no way he would accept Best Jeanist's offer.

I was wrong: he did. Jeanist also let him know his opinion of him, which was unsurprisingly 'dislike'.

As the pro was lecturing Bakugou, I could see him getting angry. I didn't blame him though; I also wish uncle Gojo would have spared my feelings. But that's not how we grow, is it now? Sometimes we need someone to tell us what we're doing wrong. It's impossible to be objective as a human, but all attempts to be less subjective than usual are greatly appreciated. Clearly subjective opinions should be ignored unless your aim is to become similar to the person giving you an earful.

Bakugou's approach was stopped with... Jeanists's strings. (Ouch!)

"It is part of my work as a hero to correct people like you. Heroes and villains are different sides of the same coin. I'll show those glaring eyes of you what makes someone a hero," he concluded.

I was flabbergasted. A hero whose aim was to correct those who were wrong in their approach to hero work. So, there are heroes who share my world view?

Now that I think about it, that's exactly what Satorou is doing. He knows he can't kill the higher-ups, so he's raising a new generation who think differently. But I hate how much time that takes. I wish I could make a change now.

It's important how I start the revolution though. I bet the Hero Killer Stain has some sort of ideology, but he enforces it by killing people. Same with the League, I imagine. I can't kill either, I don't want to. It's true that I only enrolled in U.A to understand how the hero society works; I have no intentions of becoming a hero or a sidekick myself. I wouldn't ever tie myself down and sign my name under something that says "you're not allowed to use your quirk for personal benefit" but it's foolish of them to think that everyone is willing to do that. Only if everyone had the freedom to do as they pleased.

"You too, Gojo Y/n," best Jeanist addressed me, "seem to have this idea that you can do whatever you want and get away with breaking whatever rules there are. I don't know where that confidence comes from, but I warn you that there will be consequences for your actions. If there are rules then it's best to learn to adapt to them and make the best of it, even if you don't like them."

"But what if the rules are stupid in the first place?" I mumbled under my breath.

"You should take a closer look at the world you are living in, Y/n. It might differ greatly from the world you think you are living in. Your romantic ideas are full of holes, and you're too young to even realise it."

His gaze stopped on me before continuing.

"Think about what it is that you can accomplish. You should also consider whether you are living up to your own ideals before you condemn others."

I was shocked. What a personal attack! How did he know so much...? Moreover, how did he know to pinpoint me so accurately?

"However, education is a powerful thing. I'll educate you two to become exemplary heroes," he said to the both of us, but added, "We need heroes. We can't judge a person's motivation, but we can correct it at the right time. If there is nothing to correct, you can't forcefully put something there. Especially against a person's free will."

I was embarrassed. Bakugou was looking at me weird as well.

I didn't notice how Best Jeanist began his work on Bakugou, I was just standing there, doing mental gymnastics.

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