Chapter 17: the end?

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I had been in the dark about my powers and the rest of the world. Now, I finally see a light.

Exams were upon us and then there was the summer break. Everything went back to normal for me, as if nothing bad had ever happened. Evil seemed to have died down as well.

I am excited for the summer training camp. Finally, a good opportunity to get even stronger on my own.

Satorou and I were on good terms. He apologized for calling me weak and told me he never realized how these words had impacted me. I forgave him. He also promised not to interfere that much anymore, but we'll see... I might need it.

Naturally, all of my classmates were getting stronger as well. After the chat with my uncle, I had a talk with my classmates as well and I explained everything that was of concern to them, from my original intentions to my encounter with Stain. Our friendship and trust really grew after that. Bakugou has been very considerate of my feelings ever since then.

I had given up my plans to start a revolution, and I was mainly focusing on becoming a better person myself: a hero that can serve others with my quirk.

It's true that I was a walking target for the League, but when has a hero's life ever been safe? It was something I accepted eventually.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't ever wonder what could have happened if I had merged the 'black sheep power' with my quirk. And I still might do it! I just happened to agree with Gojo Satorou on this one. For now.

...and I lived happily ever after. Well, at least until the next incident.

∞ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ ∞

Author's notes

First of all, thank you for reading the story all the way through. This is the end of the story (or at least for now).

I wrote this story as an experiment (this was my first fanfic). The reason it exists in the first place is because @okamusame asked me to read her story Dove and that got me thinking about what kind of BNHA fic I could write.

The storyactually continues, as you may have guessed from how it ended. I set it up so I could continue writing it. So, will there be a part two (that is hopefully a proper novel-like story)? That depends on the demand.

The moral of the story is up for interpretation, I didn't manage to make it clear so I'll live with the consequences. It is not, however, meant to discourage anybody from taking action or speaking up. My goal was to showcase how the main character contradicts himself/herself without even realizing it, all the while showing you the thought process behind it all.

I would have liked to write everything in a more clear way but it ended up being a bit unclear because I didn't allow myself to work on it for a long time (since it was my first one). I think it took me about three days to plan and write the whole thing which is too little in my opinion.

So if you're confused about anything that happened then feel free to comment and I'll explain it. I won't spoil anything though, just in case I write it in the future.

I really enjoyed writing this, so I'll try to keep writing whenever I have time.

Thank you for reading my notes as well, I appreciate it. :) I'd love to hear your thoughts too! <3

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