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They stumbled into Harry's apartment and almost knocked down a lamp when they tried to get to the bedroom without breaking up the heavy foreplay they started at the club. They were both tipsy and horny.

Since Louis had never been to his place Harry guided him towards the bedroom while he tried to kick off his shoes. They broke free for a second to take off their coats and shoes before they smashed into each other again, grinding, touching, and moaning.

Kissing was wet and hot. Louis opened Harry's shirt with skillful hands and as soon as his chest was bare he kissed it and tugged his nipples between his teeth. Harry threw his head back with a loud moan but then he tried to focus on getting rid of Louis' t-shirt.

They fell on the bed as soon as their upper bodies were naked. Their breathing was heavy. They fumbled with each other's pants to get them open, impatient to get naked. Louis let out a grunt and tried to focus on the mission. He managed to rip Harry's pants off, taking his boxers with him and then he removed the rest of his own clothes before he got back to kissing him deeply.

He was beyond horny and he just wanted to choke on Harry's cock so he went down to blow him. He was eager and did some of his best work if he could say so himself. Harry whined.
"I'm gonna come. Just fuck me."

That was the first words he had spoken since he asked "my place?" at the club.

Louis hummed and took him down his throat one last time before he let go with a pop.

Harry turned to the side and opened the top drawer and found the bottle of lube. He continued to look and wrinkled his eyebrows as he took out a box that should contain condoms just to find it empty.
"No, no, no. Fuck!"

"What?" Louis asked and turned his head to look at him.

"I'm out of condoms." Harry muttered.

"What? You're dragging home a one-night stand and you don't have protection?" Louis asked.

"It wasn't like I planned it! Don't you have a condom in your wallet or something?" Harry questioned.

"I'm not a teenager. It wasn't like I planned this either." Louis snorted.

Harry sighed and laid down on his back and stared at the ceiling before he whined.
"Damn it! I really need to get laid."

"Desperate much?" Louis chuckled.

"Says the one choking on my cock a minute ago." Harry retorted.

"Fair...well... You're a blood donor too right? I know that I've seen you there." Louis said hesitantly.

"Yeah, so...disease-free." Harry said and bit his lower lip.

"This is so fucking irresponsible." Louis sighed.

"Yeah." Harry agreed.

They looked at each other and then they were at it again. Louis found the bottle of lube on the bed and opened it. Harry's stomach contracted in anticipation and he leaked precum. Louis wasted no time and soon he felt a cold, lube-covered finger against his entrance and moaned shamelessly.

There was no teasing or prolonging when it came to the fingering. Louis' only purpose was to open him up so he would fit inside and that was totally fine by Harry. He was aching to get fucked.

When Louis was three fingers deep Harry nodded his head. Louis pulled his fingers out and squeezed more lube in his palm and got his cock wet. He wiped his hand on the sheets. Harry put his legs against his chest but Louis shook his head and threw them over his shoulders before he put the tip against Harry's stretched hole and pushed inside in a fluent motion. He stopped as soon as he bottomed out to give Harry some time to adjust. He leaned down to kiss him in the meantime.

When Harry was ready he squeezed Louis' ass and he immediately pulled out and pushed inside again, taking it easy at first but when he knew that Harry could take it he put more force behind his thrusts.

The bed was shaking, hitting the wall, their kissing got sloppy and they mostly moaned into each other's mouths. It was steamy and dirty and sexy. Louis changed the angle and hit Harry's prostate with the next thrust, making him cry out and arch his back in pleasure. A couple of thrusts later Harry reached his high and came all over his stomach. Louis grunted and speeded up and came a second later, filling him to the brim.

He pulled out and crashed down next to Harry, breathing erratically. He dragged a hand through his sweaty hair and tilted his head to the side.
"All good?"

"Yeah. That was great." Harry panted.

"Wanna go a second round?" Louis asked.

"I'm totally fucked out." Harry chuckled.

"Too tired to fuck me?" Louis smirked.

Harry snapped his head to look at him.
"You're versatile?"

"Yeah, and you have a great cock, but if you prefer bottoming that's fine." Louis smiled.

"I would totally fuck you." Harry grinned.

"Great." Louis said and leaned over to kiss him but Harry spun them around so he was on top.

They were both sticky since Harry's load smeared on both of them. He was leaking but he didn't care. It just made everything dirtier. Louis gave him the lube and he coated his fingers. He took it slow since they both needed some time to get back on track. He watched Louis' reaction from taking his fingers and it made him hard again. Louis was tossing and moaning and he had only pushed one finger inside so far and it got sucked right in. He added a second one and Louis gasped. His cock was filling up nicely. He crooked his fingers and found his prostate. Louis jolted with a strangled cry.
"Just hurry, will you?"

Harry pulled out his fingers, lubed his cock, and flipped Louis around so he could take him from behind. Louis scrambled to his hands and knees. Harry grabbed his hip and pushed inside slowly.
"Fuck!" Louis growled through gritted teeth.

"Okay?" Harry asked and stopped.

"You're fucking huge. Give me a sec." Louis muttered. He took a couple of deep breaths and relaxed. Harry continues when he nodded his head.

Harry took it easy, inch by inch until he finally bottomed out. He had to take a calming breath so he wouldn't come. Louis was so tight.
"Give it to me." Louis said cheekily and Harry let out something between a snort and a giggle. Louis laughed quietly but that changed quickly when Harry pulled out and slammed inside again.

"Fuuuuck!" Louis shouted.

"Did I hurt you?" Harry immediately asked worriedly.

"No, no, just go. Feels amazing." Louis stuttered so Harry repeated the same motion and soon he was fucking him hard with a tight grip of his hips that surely would leave marks.

Louis was loud. It was such a turn-on for Harry that he had trouble to hold it in, and he hadn't even found Louis' prostate yet. He laid down and took Louis with him, laying behind him. He continued to fuck him and now he aimed for his prostate. Louis wailed.
"Oh fuck! Yes! More!"

Harry glanced at Louis' stomach and almost died. He could see the bulge of his cock every time he pushed inside. That was so fucking sexy. He put his hand over the spot and pushed lightly the next time he fucked inside. Louis gasped and his whole body tensed. He wasn't breathing at first but then he came with a loud cry and Harry saw stars when he clenched around his cock. He came as well and fucked them through their intense orgasms.

Louis flinched when he pulled out. They both laid on their backs.
"Damn! First time I came untouched. That was insane." Louis said when he had managed to control his breathing.

Harry grinned and Louis rolled his eyes at him before he yawned.
"I'm beat."

"Me too." Harry said and it was true.

"I'm gonna be really gross and sleep in our spunk. My legs are too weak." Louis mumbled, falling half asleep already.

Harry turned around and found the roll of toilet paper he kept in his nightstand. He did his best to wipe them off before he tossed the paper on the floor. They fell asleep just like that.

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