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Four days later they were ready to go home. They listened to the instructions on how to change their bandages properly and received an appointment for checkups.
"Any final questions?" The nurse asked.

"Yeah, when can we have sex?" Louis blurted out and Harry blushed fiercely.

The nurse smiled at them.
"You have to wait at least six weeks. You have to heal properly first."

"Does that include, ehm, you know, all sexual activities?" Louis asked shamelessly and Harry thought that he would die from embarrassment.

"Keep your hands off each other for a month. No intercourse for six weeks but masturbation is okay after four weeks as long as your surgery scars are healing as they should." The nurse answered sounding amused. All the nurses adored them behind their backs.

"Alright, alright." Louis grinned and held up his hands in surrender.

Liam had fetched the car for them. Their mothers had stocked their fridge and freezer. They had dressed Darcy and Dorian in the cute little outfits they had bought a while back. They took turns holding them and feeding them. Dorian loved the bottle but Darcy was fuzzy about it. She loved to sleep while Dorian was more cranky. Darcy had a lot of hair, brown like Harry's while Dorian was pretty much bald. They were like day and night, two tiny personalities and they loved them both equally.

They said goodbye to everyone and carried their babies to the car. It took them some time to figure out how to connect all the parts of the seatbelts in their car seats. Harry had already managed to climb into the middle seat with some trouble, keeping an eye on both babies while Louis drove them home. Cars were honking at them because he drove too slow.

When they finally arrived home they parked the car and brought the kids indoors. Louis was carrying Darcy and gave her the grand tour.
"So this is the kitchen Darcy. Your papa spends days babyproof it, or shall I say, forcing Liam to baby proof it while he sat in that chair and dipped carrots in Nutella." Louis said in a soft voice. Darcy was looking at him with big blue eyes, as if what he was saying was very interesting.

They headed to the living room where a corner was dedicated to them. Baby gyms, blankets, baby walkers, and toys.
"And here your dad thought that we should name you Arthur. Thankfully I stopped that." Harry chuckled and rocked Dorian in his arms.

"Heeeey! Okay Darcy, let's check out your room. Now, you'll have to share it with your brother but when you get a little older I'm sure we can work something out." Louis said, as if she understood him, as he walked to the nursery with a side glance at Harry.

He sat down in the rocking chair in the corner and Harry handed him, Dorian.
"I'll make their bottles. I'll be right back."

He stopped for a second to watch Louis with their babies. Louis was too occupied looking at his children to notice Harry's fond look. He walked to the kitchen.

After they had fed them and burped them they put them to bed. They had both fallen asleep while they ate. They brought the baby monitor with them and headed to Harry's bedroom.
"When they sleep we sleep." Harry smiled.

They were both recovering from surgery and the toll the pregnancy had taken on them. They managed to get thirty minutes of sleep before Dorian woke up crying, waking his sister.
"I'm glad we decided to take seven months parental leave together before we split it up because those two are a handful." Louis chuckled.

"Maybe separate nurseries would be an idea since Dorian isn't much of a sleeper? Then he hopefully won't wake up Darcy." Harry suggested.

"Yeah. So we'll take your bedroom, make it ours, and then we turn mine into Dorians. Then we're in the middle and can hear both of them but they won't hear each other, hopefully." Louis said.

"Great." Harry said and gave him a quick kiss.

"We'll set it up tomorrow. Oh, we need the boys to put my bed in the storage unit. Yours is more comfortable anyway." Louis said.

"And how do we explain the sharing of room?" Harry asked.

"It's practical." Louis replied.

"You're so romantic. Exactly what a guy wants to hear." Harry giggled.

"I can be. You just wait and see." Louis winked.

After a somewhat sleepless night where they took turns tending to their children, ending up bringing them to bed with them so they wouldn't have to get up so much, they called the boys and asked for help. Since it was a Saturday they came over right away and helped them move furniture. They set up a room for Dorian and the guys didn't ask questions but they exchanged a lot of curious looks. They stayed for dinner and their focus was on the babies.

When they went to bed later that night Louis wrapped his arms around Harry who rested his head on his chest. Their kids were sleeping. Louis let out a content sigh.


"I love you. I thought you should know that. You make me so happy. This, you and me and the kids is a dream come through. I always wanted a family of my own, and I have to pinch myself sometimes because I can't believe how lucky I am." Louis said emotionally.

Harry raised his head and looked him deeply in the eyes.
"I love you too and I feel exactly the same way."

The weeks went fast. They really had their hands full but they loved every second of it. The babies took up most of their time but they were in a good place. They went on their check-ups and their scars healed as they should. Six weeks later they were finally able to have sex, giggling and hushing each other like two teenagers.

Two months later they told their families and the boys that they were a couple and everyone was happy for them and cheered loudly. They were on the path to something great.

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