The Mystery Man Part 1

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   It's been four years now since meeting Dustin and all the friends that I made at the gym, and here I am, still single. Dustin and the guys haven't kept in touch as often anymore, so I've mostly been left to fend for myself again, as far as a relationship goes. I've since moved out of Jamie's house, since Jamie and Ted have been married now for four years, but Ted has never once stood in the way of Jamie and I's friendship, which is good, because if he did, I know Jamie would kick him to the curb in a split second.

   But we all get along, so that's not the topic of the events I'm about to share in this story. Since Ted and Jamie married, both of them have been trying to help me find a significant other. Both of them, especially Jamie, know that I'm more into guys than girls, so they've both been on the lookout online for some guys for me to try to date, but so far, I've still been striking out bigtime, anything from the guys they suggest no-showing, or bailing out on the date halfway through, it just hasn't worked out for me on the dating scene yet.

   That is, until Jamie suggested we try something that we hadn't tried yet. Jamie suggested I try using a matchmaker.

   "Come on Mike!" Jamie said, "What have you got to lose? You've tried everything else, this could be your big chance to find Mr. Right!"

   "Are you sure this will work?" I asked, "Nothing else we've tried has done any good."

    "Well, we don't know until we try!" Jamie replied, "Plus, this matchmaker doesn't charge much, and she's known to be fairly reputable. People who have used her think she's great!"

   The matchmaker in question, was Tiffany Wells. She's known for bringing over 4,000 couples together, 3,900 of which have actually tied the knot. So once Jamie convinced me that she was good to use, she had me go to the website to fill out a profile, because Tiffany didn't make house calls, all of her matchmaking was done online. So, I went for it, and made a profile, hoping Jamie was right about things, hoping that things would start off with a bang.

   I had the profile for two weeks! The first three days, not ONE person looked at my profile. I was about to call it quits, when suddenly, I managed to get a hit from a guy in our hometown in central Oklahoma, but on the night of the date, he got cold feet, and cancelled on me, but somehow Jamie convinced me to keep the profile. Five more days went by with no hits, until finally, I got a second hit from another guy.

   This guy actually agreed to meet me on the day of our date. So I spent all day getting ready. When I actually got to the place where we agreed to meet, he saw how short I was, (I'm only 4'8"), laughed right in my face, then left the venue. I went home that night, ready to just give up and delete the profile. I was on the website, about to hit the delete button, when suddenly, I got another hit on my profile.

   This guy had what looked like a decent profile, but no picture. We started talking shortly after, because his DM box popped up. He must have seen my picture, and decided to give me a shot, so after Jamie and Ted talked me into talking to the guy, I gave him a shot.

   "Hello there." the guy typed.

   "Hello." I typed back.

   "You having trouble finding someone too are ya?" the guy asked.

   "Yeah. Do you mind if I ask your name?" I asked.

   "My name is Eddie." the guy replied, "Do you have a better picture of yourself so I can see your face better? Your profile picture's a bit blurry."

   "The only one I have, just shows how embarrassingly short I am, you probably won't like it." I replied, "But I'll send it."

   So, I let the other picture I had of myself download, then I sent it to Eddie. I was waiting for him to laugh his head off, but after a couple seconds, he wrote me back.

   "You're actually really adorable." Eddie wrote, "Would you be interested in meeting?"

   "How about tomorrow night at the club in town?" I wrote, "Do you have a picture of yourself I can see?"

   "I like to keep my identity a mystery until we meet, that way you can try to figure out what I look like." Eddie wrote.

   "Do I at least get body stats?" I wrote.

   "Okay, I'll give you those, but just those. I'm 6'4", 290 pounds." Eddie wrote.

   Not the biggest guy I've ever been around, but at least I had a general idea of what I would be dealing with, even though that's all I would have to go on. 

   "How will I know it's you when we meet?" I wrote.

   "I'll wear an outfit that'll make it easy for you to spot me, a black polo shirt, tan dress pants, black dress shoes." Eddie wrote.

   We both agreed that's how we would find each other, but I was nervous about meeting him. What if we met, and I was too short for him? What if I was a bad dresser? What if he decided to just bail out on me before the meeting ever happened? Eddie and I ended our conversation, then after a while, I went to bed. This meeting was going to be interesting, but how would it go? Would it be a perfect 10, or would the meeting be short nine points?

   TO BE CONTINUED................................................................................................................

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