The Mystery Man Part 20

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   One evening six months later, Jamie and I both were told to wear something nice, because Darren and Nathan were both taking us out on a double date. We were going to Trixie's club, because it was the closest to my house. So, after getting ready, Nathan and Darren picked us both up at around 6:45, because with the club being 15 minutes away, we would get there at exactly 7pm, which is when the club opened.

   As soon as we got there, we were greeted by one of the bouncers, who walked us to our table. We were given booth seating, which would accommodate all four of us, even with as tall as Darren was, we were all seated quite comfortably. Not long after being seated, we were served by the waitresses with our favorite food and snacks, which Jamie and I knew the guys must have pre-arranged so we wouldn't have to order.

   After eating our meal, the guys just all of a sudden disappeared. Of course, due to where we were seated, we didn't see where they went, so Jamie and I could only sit and wait for them to return. 10 minutes later, the guys came back to get us, leading us to the dance floor. Once we were on the dance floor, Jamie and I were seated next to each other, with Jamie in a chair next to me, while I stayed in my wheelchair. After we were seated, Darren and Nathan told us to close our eyes, so we did. After about twenty seconds, we were told to open them, where Darren and Nathan were both down on one knee next to each other, but in front of Jamie and I! Jamie and I were both being proposed to at the same time!

   Six more months went by, where Jamie and I had a double wedding at the church in town, and all our friends were there! It was the most incredible day of our lives! It's been two years now since Jamie and I got married to our soulmates. Jamie and Nathan have since had two kids, twin boys named Tyler, and Nathan Jr. Darren and I opted to not adopt children, and just play uncle to Jamie and Nathan's two boys. They moved in with us, since my house is big enough to house everybody at once, the two boys even have their own rooms. 

   It's been great being with Darren, he has been so supportive and loving, and Jamie could not have found a better guy in Nathan. He's been an incredible father, he's heavily involved in Tyler and Nathan Jr.'s lives, and has not missed a single milestone they've had since they were born. The boys are toddlers now, both being two year olds now. Where you would think that they would be in their terrible twos, Tyler and Nathan Jr. are super easy to take care of and babysit for. They do have their moments, but it's not like they get super fussy if they get told no. 

   Jamie and I both had to go through hell to get to what we now consider heaven, but all relationships are like that. But let me tell you, once you do get to heaven, it's well worth all the hell you have to go through, to meet your Mr. Rights.


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