The Mystery Man Part 13

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   Two weeks after Mark's death, we had a celebration of life held for him. When I say everyone came, I literally mean EVERYONE came. His parents were there, his brother came, all of his friends, his co-workers, all of whom I obviously knew, the church where the event was held was packed! Everyone who wanted to go up to speak, had wonderful things to say about Mark, which showed just how well loved he was by everyone, there wasn't a dry eye in the place, including myself..... god I missed that man.

   After the event, we said goodbye to as many people as we could, before Trixie, Ron, and I went home ourselves. By the time we got home, bedtime had come, and I was beat, so I went upstairs to get ready for bed. I went to the guestroom Trixie had prepared for me, opened the door, and went into the dark room. As I entered however, I saw a dark shadow of a person, standing over in front of the window, where the moonlight shined into the room, acting like a night light, yet I still couldn't see who the person was. Come to think of it..... I could sort of see righ through them.

   Then all at once, it was like a light came on inside the figure, where I could see features!.... It was Mark! I was looking at Mark's ghost! In my emotional state, I ran to him, forgetting it was a ghost, so I charged toward him wanting to hug him, but instead, I passed right through him. I turned around, looking over at him. He was dressed entirely in white, but he looked perfect, not a scratch on him. 

   "Mark! Is it really you?" I asked.

   Then, in an echoey voice, Mark replied, "I'm here from Heaven to let you know, it's time to move on Mike. I know you miss me, but you need to be with someone who can give you what I can't anymore." Mark said, before just as quickly disappearing before I could say another word. 

   I just stood there stunned, not knowing what to say, or what to even think. I felt like I didn't understand what just happened. However, before I could think any farther, I heard a noise that sounded like wind. I looked in front of me, where yet another figure took form right before my eyes! This figure was absolutely massive! He had to be close to 7 feet tall, but again, dressed in white. He had the widest shoulders I had ever seen on a man in my life, looked to be well over 400 pounds, but when I looked him in the face, I saw something that I never even saw in Mark.

   This guy was looking down at me, his gigantic arms crossed, but he had the warmest smile on his face, and those eyes looked at me with the kind of love that I'd never felt before. I was so mesmerized I didn't know what to think, I felt like I couldn't even move. Then after a long period of staring at this gorgeous man, I finally had the courage to speak. 

   "Who are you? Why are you here?" I asked.

   In an echoey, but soft voice, I got my answer, "While I am not the man you see before you, I am here to show you your future." the being said to me.

   It was then, that it hit me...... I was talking to an angel!

   "Am I going to meet who you are showing me?" I asked.

   "When you see him before you, do not push him away." the angel told me, "He is next in line to win your heart."

   I was filled with so much excitement, I wanted to meet him right away, but I knew I had to wait. I had to find out when I was going to meet this guy that I was being shown.

   "When will I meet him?" I asked the angel.

   "When you are least expecting him, the two of you will cross paths." the angel said, before vanishing into thin air.

   I wanted to go tell Trixie and Ron what just happened, but I knew they wouldn't believe me. I was a strong believer in the paranormal, which is why I felt I had just had this experience. I wanted to know when I would meet this man that the angel showed me, or even where, but I knew that all I could do was wait and see where this guy was going to turn up.

   The next night, while at the club, it would turn out, I wouldn't have to wait long.

   TO BE CONTINUED.....................................................................................................


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