The Mystery Man Part 6

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   The next night, after Jamie got home from work, she told me to go get ready, because we were going out. I knew we were going to a new place I'd never been before, but I still didn't know what to expect. After changing clothes and getting tidied up, Jamie and I got in the car, with Jamie's husband in tow, heading to where Jamie wanted to take me. We drove about 25 minutes from home, where we ended up at a little country western type of club.

   Once we got out of the car and went inside, at first, we didn't see anyone, so we thought the club was closed, but then a middle-aged woman came out of her office and approached us.

   "Evenin' y'all! What can I do for ya?" the lady asked.

   "We're just here for an evening of fun." Jamie replied.

   Jamie's husband wasn't digging the vibe, so he went home by transit so Jamie and I would have the car. But the lady who came out to greet us, signed us in, then we paid 5 bucks each to get in officially, then she had a security guy take us to a table. The security guards wore cowboy hats, black vests, white dress shirts under the vests, blue jeans, and brown cowboy boots. As one of the guys was seating us, I caught the eye of one of the other guys, who smiled, and tipped his hat to me.

   The woman who greeted us, walked over to make sure we were seated, then introduced herself.

   "My name is Trixie, if y'all need anything, just flag me or one of my guys here down, we'll be happy to assist you!" Trixie said politely. She was a petite little lady, slim little waist, only about 4'10", big hair, wearing a cute little cowgirl outfit in pink. We got comfortable in our seats, watching people file in, then some of the security guards took the stage, where they began line dancing. As they started dancing, some of the guests began to join in. Jamie and I even tried our hand at it, but I just kept falling down, and getting my moves confused, so we went back to sit down.

   As we returned to our seats, the same guy I saw who tipped his hat at me, walked over to join us.

   "Hey Jamie! What are you doing here pretty lady?" the guy said.

   "Hey Mark! How are you?!" Jamie asked excitedly.

   Jamie and Mark exchanged hugs, which indicated to me that they knew each other quite well. After they finished hugging, she introduced Mark to me.

   "Mike this is my friend Mark, Mark, my best friend Mike." Jamie said.

   Mark was bigger than me, as the majority of the people I meet are, but he wasn't the biggest guy I'd ever seen. He only stood about 6'1", and if I had to guess, he was probably about 280 pounds, but I could tell he had some muscle on him, just by how he carried himself. He was really awesome though, giving me a hug too, then he sat down next to me. Instantly, I picked up the scent of a light cologne he was wearing.

   Mark had the same outfit on that all security guys were wearing. He had dark hair, which was tied in the back into a short ponytail and had blue eyes. He also had a hoop earring in each ear, and a very neatly trimmed beard, he was really cute, and could not have been a nicer guy. Jamie said she met him in college, because he was in one of her classes. After they finished more chit-chat, Mark noticed that I was very quiet.

   "Cat got your tongue Mike?" Mark asked.

   "He might not be very talkative, he found out that a guy he wanted to date was using him to cheat on his boyfriend." Jamie said.

   "You're kidding! Well, that's not cool!" Mark replied, putting an arm around me.

   Once Mark had his arm around me, I almost didn't want him to let go. I started to feel comfortable with him, but I knew he didn't have long to talk to me, so I tried not to get too attached. After about 10 minutes of talking, the music being played started to signal that he had to hit the stage to start dancing with guests. Mark was also allowed to help guests learn dances, if they didn't quite know what they were doing.

   Once Mark began dancing, he showed off just how good he really was. He knew just about any line dance you could think of, but all I could do is watch him move. Jamie all of a sudden got up from her seat, then went up on the dance floor to join Mark, then she waved me up to join both of them, but again, when I tried to do the dance they were doing, all I could do was show how uncoordinated and clutzy I was. This is where Mark jumped in, then slowed the dance down, to show me how to do it, because it was a pretty fast dance. I almost had it nailed down, but still had times where I stumbled a bit.

   We stayed at the club until closing, then one by one, everyone started to leave. When it was time for Jamie and I to go, Mark insisted on walking to our car with us, with his arm around me. He also kept looking around to make sure nobody popped out of nowhere to start any shenanigans, which I am happy to say, nobody tried anything. Once we both said goodbye to Mark, we headed home for the night, Jamie and I were both pretty wiped out.

   The following night, Jamie and I would go to the club again, where unfortunately, we'd run into Eddie again. He would try to start trouble too, but wouldn't get very far.

   TO BE CONTINUED................................................................................................

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