The Mystery Man Part 17

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   After we finished looking at the house, Jamie decided that she should head home, because she and her husband had things to do before he went out with some friends on a guy's night out. So she said her goodbyes, then left for home. Darren and I decided to get dinner, but neither of us felt like cooking, so we just ordered some takeout, and ate it while watching a movie. About twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. We weren't expecting company, so we had no clue who it might be.

   I opened the door, and there stood Jamie in tears. I rarely if ever saw her cry over anything, so this was the first time I've ever seen her so sad, that she was driven to such a state. Darren walked her to the couch, then sat her down while I got her a glass of water. While she did sit down for Darren, she refused the water from me, which anytime I'd ever offered anything to her, she never refused it, even if she didn't want it, she always still took it to be polite.

   "Jamie, what's wrong sis? Talk to me! I've never seen you like this before!" I said, trying to get Jamie to talk, but all she could do was cry for the next twenty minutes. We just let Jamie get whatever sadness she had in her system out, I still had never seen her cry so hard in my life. After she finally calmed down, I asked her again what happened.

   "You want to know what happened? I'll tell you what happened. I caught that ASSHOLE of a husband of mine in bed with another woman!" Jamie exclaimed.

   "He what?!" I said in shock.

   "Yeah, I went in the bedroom to get the clothes basket, to start a load of laundry, and found him in bed with another woman, who looked like she's had at least $4,500.00 worth of work done on that cesspool she calls a face!" Jamie replied angrily.

   "So let me guess, he claimed she was just a friend, right?" I asked.

   "Co-worker." Jamie replied, "She's a worker alright, but there's no "co" about it. She was wearing less than I wear in an entire week! It was disgusting!" 

   "Want me to go down there and beat him senseless?" Darren asked.

   "That'd be too good for the bum!" Jamie replied, He's got divorce papers coming his way anyway, he just doesn't know it yet!" 

   "Well, if you need to sis, you're welcome to stay here as long as you need. As you saw earlier, I have more than enough room now." I told Jamie.

   "I already have my bags in my car." Jamie replied, "I don't want to see that scum sucking pig husband of mine ever again!"

   "I'll go get your bags Jamie." Darren said, walking out to Jamie's car.

   Soon, Jamie's cell phone rang, but in seeing who it was, she instantly put the number on block. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who it was. Then, not long after, my cell phone rang, it was Jamie's husband. I answered the phone, but knowing Jamie's current state, I knew talking to him was the last thing she wanted to do.

   "Hello?" I said, answering my cell.

   "Is Jamie there? Let me talk to her." Ted said on the phone.

   "Oh, are you done playing with the plastic blonde Jamie caught you with earlier?" I asked.

   "Just let me talk to her!" Ted said loudly.

   "First of all, RUDE! Secondly, she doesn't want to talk to you, so no, I will not be handing the phone over. You have a lot of thinking to do buddy, doesn't look like your marriage is looking too good right now." I replied, "You messed up bigtime buddy-boy, and I mean BIGTIME. Now, if I were you, I would hang up, and not call here again, and do not show up, unless you want my boyfriend to snap you like a twig!"

   After my conversation with Ted, I hung up the phone, then turned it off. Darren finally came back with Jamie's bags, I had him put them in the room across from ours, so that if she needed us, we'd be close by. As for Ted, he stayed away as instructed. I'm sure had he shown up, Jamie or Darren would have done something to him to make his life miserable. I know Darren would have snapped him in half.

   The next day, Darren was expecting company, a guy that Jamie and I hadn't met before. Unfortunately, Ted would do the unthinkable by daring to show up at the house to see Jamie, but when Darren's friend heard Jamie's story, and locked eyes on Ted, let's just say that World War two looked like a day at the park, compared to what was about to happen between the two men.

   TO BE CONTINUED............................................................................................................

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