The Mystery Man Part 9

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   The only thing I remember about the accident, was hitting the tree head on, then I blacked out. When I woke up, I was outside the car on my side against the tree we struck, with my back against it, with a shooting pain going up my spine. The pain was so bad, that even if I wanted to move, I couldn't. Then I made the most horrifying discovery of all, I couldn't feel my lower body. I knew I hadn't been split in half, or I would've been dead, but I was still alive.

   I also remember Trixie, Ron, Mark, and Jamie all being around me, with Ron holding me down, and Jamie yelling at me, telling me not to move. Then, I heard an ambulance coming up the road. As it pulled up and came to a stop, paramedics raced over to me, fitted me with a neck brace, then with one paramedic holding my head steady, the others carefully and steadily rolled me onto a backboard.

   After I was loaded into the ambulance, Mark was the first one to jump aboard with the paramedics, while Jamie, Ron, and Trixie all followed behind it in Trixie's car. The drive to the hospital was just a short one, so I wasn't in the ambulance too terribly long. As we came into the place where the ambulance unloads patients, I was immediately rushed to the ER. Where doctors asked me questions about if I knew what happened, where I was, what day it was etc. How I was able to answer every question accurately, I'll never know.

   After being checked in the ER, seeing that I somehow only had the injury to my back, they rushed me to X-Ray. After getting the X-Rays done, I was finally wheeled to an actual room, where they Carefully raised the bed to a reclined position, I still had a brace on my neck, just for precaution, because they didn't want me moving too much, since everything is basically all connected. 

   "When will I know what's going on with my back?" I asked.

   "We should have your X-Rays in a little bit. In the meantime, just relax." the doctor said before leaving.

   Not even ten seconds after the doctor left, Jamie, Trixie, Mark, and Ron all walked in my room. 

   "Is everything okay Mike?" Jamie asked, "What have the doctors said?"

   "They still don't know." I replied, "But based on the fact that I still can't feel my legs, it's most likely not good." 

   Just then, the doctor walked in the room, carrying a large envelope. As he walked up to my bed, he pulled out the X-Ray, and almost instantly, I saw it. I had broken my back AND severed my spinal cord. By the look on the doctor's face, he could tell I had already seen the X-Ray, so he didn't even have to tell anyone what happened, because I was passing it around, showing everyone what I saw.

   It was at that point, I felt like my life was over.


   TO BE CONTINUED........................................................................................................................

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