The Mystery Man Part 12

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   After another long day, it was time for me to take another well deserved trip to the club to see my friends. This time, Ron swung by to pick me up on the way, because he was scheduled to work a shift there anyway. So at around 6:30, he picked me up so we could both head down. When we got there, I expected to see Mark there, but his car wasn't there, so I figured maybe he was just running a little late.

   After loading me into my wheelchair, Ron and I made our way into the club. Ron went up to see where Trixie wanted him to hang out, but she also made it clear, that she also wanted him to take care of me throughout the evening. I was still waiting for Mark to show up, but it was getting past the time that he usually showed up, and he still hadn't popped his head in. I started to get worried, so I tried his cell phone, where oddly, I wasn't getting a signal. I knew my number wasn't blocked, but I wasn't getting through either.

   After almost 2 hours, and the club starting to get crowded, Mark still hadn't shown up, and that's where I got worried. Then, when the 2 hour Mark had hit, and Mark never showed, I was in a panic, and then suddenly, I watched the door, to see a police officer enter the building. By the look on his face, I knew something was wrong, and at first, I thought Mark had been arrested, but to my shock and horror, it was much worse than I thought.

   "Is there a Mike Tatum here?" the officer called out.

   "I'm Mike Tatum..... it's about Mark isn't it?" I asked.

   "I'm afraid so." the officer said. "I sadly have the unfortunate task, to let you know, that Mark was killed this evening. He was in a head-on collision with a wrong way driver. I'm very sorry for your loss sir." 

   With that, the officer walked out of the club. I sat there stunned by what I'd just heard. There was a back room where I could go if I needed to, and that's where I rushed, but with Trixie and Ron right behind me, as they had no idea what happened, other than the fact that they'd seen the officer leave. When I told them what happened, Ron was quick to console me. At that point, I just wanted to go home, my fun for the evening had been ruined.

   Trixie told Ron to take the rest of the night off, but to take me to her house. So Ron and I left the club. I told Trixie I wanted to be alone, but she absolutely refused to let me be alone that night after what I had heard.... my one and only had been snatched away from me. I felt as though God was punishing me for being so negative on myself, I just didn't know what was going to happen, I couldn't go on without Mark, he was my best friend, and now he was gone.

   I would end up staying with Trixie for two weeks, and after those two weeks, there would be the funeral. I would go, but it would be one of the hardest things for me to go through, but thankfully, I wouldn't be going through it alone. Ron would be there, Trixie, all of Mark's friends, his family, and also, someone who I wouldn't expect to see...... or be able to see THROUGH. It would be the most unusual event in my life.

   TO BE CONTINUED........................................................................................................

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