The Mystery Man Part 10

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   At this point, Trixie walked over, sitting down on the side of my bed.

   "Mike, your life isn't over darlin'. You have me, and so many other people in your life right now, who are going to help you get through this. You have me, my son Ron, Mark, Jamie, and all my other security crew from the club, who are going to do whatever we have to, to make sure life gets easier for you, nobody is going to let you go through this alone." Trixie said.

   Trixie gave me a hug, then just as she had said that, some of the security guys walked in the room to visit me. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world, finding out that I had so many people who wanted to help me get through this sudden obstacle. I knew I was in for a lot of challenges, but with everybody rooting for me, I was ready to face them all head on. 

   Everyone stayed with me up until visiting hours were over, but then everyone had to leave. That's when I started to feel alone. I was always used to having someone around to keep me company, but now, I was the only person in the hospital room. I fell asleep around midnight, but that didn't mean I had a full night's sleep. 

   It seemed like I had doctors coming in to check on me every 2 hours, maybe even sooner than that, which really got on my nerves quickly. It was one of those times I wish I could just lock the door to my hospital room so that no one could bother me, but doing that was just not going to happen, because there was no way I could get to the door in my current state. 

   Weeks would pass before I could be released from the hospital. I had a lot of physical therapy to get through to continue to heal my back, but I was officially labeled as a paraplegic, meaning I would officially never walk again. However, as the days and weeks would pass, I would quickly accept my fate. I knew I had the support of my friends, so I wasn't worried at all about who I could turn to if I needed them.

Eventually, I was able to return to the club again to see everyone. Mark and Rob were both incredible at making sure I got around safely, and if you would try to start trouble with me, Mark and Rob were great at putting a stop to it, but more often than not, they'd just not let it happen at all. Trixie even instructed the other guys in her security team, to stop by my table to make sure everything was good, but with Mark and Ron around, what would really happen? 

   As we ended the night, Trixie was going through her books to see who all signed in, to make sure everybody paid, except for me of course, since I was a friend, but she would mark me down as paid anyway. As she was flipping through the pages, I watched as her jaw dropped in surprise. Then she walked over to me.

   "Mike, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Trixie asked.

   "Sure." I replied.

   "What is your last name?" Trixie asked.

   "Tatum, why?" I replied.

   "What about your mom's name?" Trixie asked.

   "Her name was Carol, what's this all about?" I asked.

   Trixie was about to drop the biggest bombshell on me, that throughout my entire childhood, I never knew about, and it was going to change EVERYTHING.

   TO BE CONTINUED...................................................................................................................

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