The Mystery Man Part 15

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   The next morning, I was sleeping soundly, when I heard a soft knock at the door. I opened my eyes, then made my way to my bedroom door to open it. Trixie was there, wanting to let me know that I had company, and to come out as quickly as I could. So, with that, I got dressed, then wheeled myself out to the living room, where upon entering the room, I saw Darren! I raced over to him as quickly as I could, quickly coming to a stop before I ran into him with my wheelchair.

   "There's my handsome little man!" Darren said cheerfully.

   I blushed hard when greeted that way. I've never had anyone hold me in such high regard like Darren did, I wasn't used to having anyone in my life that wasn't going to turn their back on me the second they saw me, except for Jamie. Speaking of which, she and her husband were soon to follow Darren into Trixie's house. Jamie almost never comes to see Trixie, unless something big is about to happen, so then, I started becoming suspicious.

   "What's going on?" I asked, "Why is Jamie here too?..... not that I'm complaining that is."

   "Should we tell him?" Darren asked.

   "That's up to you Darren." Jamie replied, "You're the one with the surprise, not us."

   Then I looked up at Darren, "What's going on?" I asked, "You have me in suspense now!"

   "I probably shouldn't tell you, things might not be done yet." Darren replied.

   "Tell me what?" I asked.

   At that point, everyone's lips were sealed. For twenty-five minutes, I tried to fish for info, but nobody, not even Darren, would tell me what was going on. Every time I looked up at Darren, he just grinned down at me, but when he grinned, he didn't do a very good job of hiding whatever it was he was hiding from me. I was beginning to get scared now, I was sure that this was going to be where Darren would tell me that things between us were over.

   "Let me guess, you found someone better than me." I said.

   "Mike!" Darren replied in shock, "Why would I EVER do that to you handsome?"

   Darren quickly crouched down next to me, "You've been hurt enough my sweet guy, I would NEVER do such a horrible thing to you! It's been done to you enough as it is!" then Darren just put his arms around me, hugging me. 

  I quickly calmed down once Darren hugged me, "I'm sorry, I just....."

   "It's okay Mike, after what you've been through before you met me, I understand. But I promise you, you are now officially stuck with me."  

   Hearing Darren's words of comfort quickly made me breathe a sigh of relief. I was so glad to hear that I wasn't in danger of losing him. Darren was becoming an important part of my life, so losing him would be a huge blow to my self-esteem, which I think Darren knew. After going back to general chit-chat, Darren's cell phone rang. Judging by the phone call, and the fact that Darren had the biggest smile on his face I'd ever seen, something good must have happened. 

   "That's wonderful! I'm sure he's going to be thrilled once he sees it!" Darren exclaimed, "Thank you so much, we'll see you on site tomorrow."

   Darren hung up his cell phone, then my curiosity started to get the better of me again, "Who was that?" I asked.

   Darren chuckled, then playfully tickled me, "Can't tell you handsome." he replied.

   After doing an embarrassingly loud cackle from being tickled, I asked, "Why can't you tell me?" 

   "Because it's a surprise that involves you, and I want you to be surprised, without it being ruined." Darren replied.

   I was still super unsuccessful in getting anything out of Darren, or Jamie, or Trixie, or even Ron for that matter, they all knew what was going on but me, and it was driving me INSANE! I had to find a way to find out what was going on, but unfortunately, my attempts would continue to be unsuccessful. However, eventually, the big day would come, two agonizing days would pass, before I would get to see what it was everyone was hiding from me, but when I finally saw what it was, my mind was so blown, I almost didn't believe that it had been done for me....... and Darren.

   TO BE CONTINUED...................................................................................................


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