Who are you? Whose there?

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On a cold, and dark and rainy night, Victoria and Jack are out seeking their pray. Someone who knows the area, someone no one would except. Someone to be Victoria's puppet. So that she can but together an army of newborns and take down myself, and the other Cullen's. We'd have little to no time to prepare. We didn't know what we'd be getting ourselves into.

Hello? Who's there? A voice calls out, it belongs to young man. His name is Riley Biers. He's their target. He get's taken, killed, and turned. He's a mindless newborn now, at the mercy of Victoria and Jack, their little minion. To go out and train and help turn teenagers, who will be part of the army. She can't do it herself, she knows her thoughts are being watched and listened to, ok not thoughts, but if she decided Alice or I would see it and we'd be ready.

What did they need Riley for? Jack, knew both us and the area. I guess they needed an unbiased person to take us down instead. Someone who wouldn't be getting watched. After the incident that Victoria caused that almost killed me, we were on more high alert for me and my safety more than ever now, and Bella's.

We'd never expect a thing, they'd want to catch us off guard, we'd need all the help he could get, maybe even from the cousins. They'd met Jack before, we're all good friends. If anything came from what they were doing, one my priority, get my Jack back, and kill Victoria, preferably in that order. By the end of this, Jack will be mine again, he will be my good kind hearted Jack again, my guardian, protector boyfriend, and soon husband.

He'd had a break through before, he'd recognized me before, Bella even saw him have one too. Once before he practically killed me with his ice in my wolf form, and right before Laurent tried to kill Bella. That was my goal. Victoria wants to fight with fire, fine but I won't be the last one to be burned. It didn't hurt me, but she would get hurt, by the time this whole thing is over Victoria won't be mine or anyone else's problem.

That morning, my brother had dropped me (outfit 33) off at Jake's, convinced Bella that they would be studying, but that's not what he'd really had intended. Really, I could've gone in just about anything, since I'd transformed anyways. While I was with the guys. Edward and Bella were in the meadow. Edward, you promised we'd be studying, I brought my book and everything. Bella whined.

He just laughed. Bella, you know better than to trust a vampire. She rolled her eyes hitting his chest. Go, go and read your book Bella, he whispered into her hair playing with it. No, not if you're not gonna pay attention. I'm listening. Go on. *Ug* You're impossible. Hm.... Impossibly fast and strong maybe, but nothing is impossible. I'm sure you've learned that by now.

And if not, I'm always hear to remind you. He said kissing her. She tried to playfully push him away, but he wouldn't budge. Edward, stop distracting me. You get anymore whinny and keep complaining you'll sound more like Farrah. The only thing that would be missing is your laughter. You do, and I promise I'll get you back.

Now, shut up and pay attention. G-D I love you, but you're annoying. Farrah says the same thing. Where is she today anyways? With Clyde. Bella rolled her eyes, hitting his chest again. Just read your book Bells. Bella starts to read. The longer it gets, the more distracting Edward becomes. He leans over to kiss her. You know I got a English final, I really got a focus.

Back with us. So Cullen, what do you want to do today? I looked around. Lucky we were where no one would see us transform. A playful smirk stretching across my face. As I let out a playful growl. As I transformed. Then preparing myself in fight stance. Me: Chase me to La Push. Race me! Jacob: I'm not sure that's a good idea. Me: Come on Jacob, are you afraid you can't beat me?! Have you and Edward trained me so well that I can out run you both?

Jacob: No, but you'd probably have to anyways in order not to get to get killed or tortured silly. He growled playfully. I watched the playful smirk in his eyes. Me: Come and get me Jacob! I giggled running off. When I'd got there first I was sure, I'd won. But when he wasn't right behind me I was worried.

Me: Jake? Jacob where are you? Come on this isn't funny! Jacob: I'm sorry kiddo, I'm ok. Just got tripped up. Good job you win. Me: Jacob? Where are you? Are you stuck somewhere? Are you hurt? Jacob?! Jacob: I'm ok, just some raw piece of wood got stuck in my paw, like a big splinter. I'm ok though kiddo I promise. I just gotta careful get it out, and I'll keep chasing you.

I waited and waited for him to show up. Letting out a sad howl. Me: Jacob where are you? I cried out. He should've been here by now, it shouldn't be taking him this long. Jacob: Farrah, help! Me: Jacob what's wrong are you ok?! Jacob: I'm fine I'm stuck, I'm trapped. I get out! Me: Jacob what do you mean you can't get out? I cried panicked. Jacob: I doesn't matter just run home and grab your spear, hurry!

So I ran home. Got the spear, and ran back. I through the spear at the trap, and he came down. But I'd gotten swooped up into a trap of my own. Me: No! Jacob transformed back, as did I. Jacob, can you reach my spear? Yep. Can you get it out? Nope! It's stuck good in there! No! I cried. Try to bite or rip at it. It won't rip I cried.

Oh no! What? What's wrong? The rope won't break because whoever was trying to catch us, your trap is made of magic rope, it's not supposed to break without another form of magic. How are we gonna get me down?! Your dad! Or my own. My dad's at work, and Billy is out fishing with Charlie.

What do we need? Carlisle's medicine has magic properties, and my dad uses things like that all the time for home remedies. Jake, you're talking medicine! We need something to cut me down! Medicine with magical properties, it doesn't matter what kind of magic, just has to be magic! How come our wolf forms can't help, we're magic? IDK, I'll contact Edward.

No, I'll do it, you need to contact Sam, with a howl. Fine. He transforms again. He howls. Back in the meadow, Edward and Bella were finishing up their convo, and he was taking her home. Bella was home safe and sound, when he heard Jacob's worried sounding howl. Farrah's in trouble! Me: Edward, help me I've gotten trapped, I need you to go home and grab some of Carlisle's magical medicine stuff! Edward: Magical? What happened?!

Me: Edward, please just go! I cried. And hurry. Jacob's contacting Sam. Come as fast as you can! He finally arrived. Both: What happened here?! Sam and Edward asked us. Both: No time to explain, just get Farrah (me) down! And they did. My body safely in Edward's arms. Sam looked over the rope. Give me some of that! He sprinkled some stuff on the trapes, and the ones we didn't see suddenly appeared as if by magic.

Someone's hunting magical beasts! But as far as humans go no one knows about any of us. A true believer then. Sam pulled out a different powder this time, rubbing it into his hands and spreading it over the ropes. There no the trapes are all gone with no sign of any animals or mystical creatures of any kind. And if there are any hidden cameras when I throw down this destructive smoke bomb not only will we appear safe and sound with all of us that were here, but get rid of any hidden cameras and erase the footage of any of us.

And Sam was right. And we went our separate ways and went to our respected homes. Edward took me in his arms and ran me back to the house, I'd started to fall asleep. No Farrah no, not now please not now. Stay awake kiddo. We're almost home. I-I'm not doing anything. This isn't my doing. Well try to stay awake anyways. He said hugging me close. We got home, opened the door and before Edward could bring me to the couch, we'd both crashed falling asleep hardcore.

Wh-what did that stuff, and the trap do to us? He asked yawning. Something, something's not, not right. And he was soon out like a light. Something was very wrong.

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