Another protection detail

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Riley comes into the house, looks like he's about to kill dad then sees the picture of himself lying on his chest, once before that he was first in Bella's room. He was looking around for her scent. leaving behind his scent. When Bella walks in, Charlie tells her Edward could at lest respect meal times, but this time it wasn't his fault she was out late. She tells him she was out with Jacob and I. Dad thinks that's great.

Then there is a knock at the door. This time its me and Edward. She opens the door. Edward is so worried, that he almost thought about breaking the treaty to make sure she was perfectly fine, and then he comes into the house. Yeah I know we probably smell like dog, I'm sorry.... No that's not it something's wrong! He darts around, and then goes upstairs. Snow stay close to me. He says gripping my hand.

Edward what's wrong? Bella asks him. Farrah, smell that. Take a good sniff. You smell that too? Someone's been in here. We return to the house. Was it someone we know? Alice asks us. No, it was a stranger, I didn't recognize his scent. What about you Farrah? Something on him seemed familiar, he almost smelled like.... A flash of something comes to my mind. My eyes turn white. What is it Farrah? Carlisle was anyone hear aside from us? Did anyone that wasn't us get in somehow? No why?

That's what concerns me. He smelled like Jack's scent, so if he smelled like Jack's scent it must've been could've very well had been Riley. Because a vampire passing through wouldn't leave Charlie living. Maybe she's right, but that still doesn't stop the fact that we're not sure for sure. Since our scent didn't recognize the owner's scent and Jack is still in his Snow White coffin hyper sleep. Edward get off it, I tell him rolling my eyes.

Well who ever it was his scent disappeared about 5 miles south of the Bella's house. So someone's behind this. So that means it could be either Volturi or Victoria. No, both of their thoughts are being decided, and Farrah or I would've seen either of them decide. So we keep looking, and we keep Bella and her dad protected keeping a watch over the house. So this is another protection detail?

Rose? I whine. She rolls her eyes. No she's right, you can't watch both me and my dad and hunt and find the intruder and Victoria. Well I'm not leaving you alone. Well I'm not gonna let you guys all starve, and besides I wouldn't be alone, I've got my sister.... She says wrapping me in a sisterly huggy embrace.... Who I swear I'm gonna kill for making me all huggy, and we've also got.... Her sentence doesn't get finished the next morning Jacob shows up, and things go from ok to worse in a matter of secs. Jake and Edward start fighting, Bella and I get in the middle and warn them that we're Switzerland now. And I reminded them that I have multiple ways of making them behave.

I slyly smirk at them both, they raise a suspicious eyebrow at me, but I knew they were scared on the inside, they both knew I'd "kill" them both, and that I was to be feared and obeyed, or pay the price. You guys, neither of us expect you to throw a football around and call each other brothers, but you know my terms, and Bella's. And you know my consequences, Jake I'll treat the dog he is, and Edward has taught me too well, it would be a time that he gets a taste of his own medicine. Ok, ok little sister we'll behave, we promise. Yeah me too. Good!

Now speaking of dogs, Jacob would the wolves prefer an evening or morning shift? And I'll always be around. I'll be here when Bella needs me, in my wolf/puppy form when Jacob needs me, and with my family when I'm needed there. No way, we need you to stay safe too. But E.... I whine. And if you can't pick one or the other stay with Bella at all times. No way, I'm gonna help too. Snow?

Edward, are we really gonna have this argument again? I'm not just a-a I can't even say the word, and neither of you should either, I can do things I'm not fragile, I can take care of myself! Everyone wants me on their side, if I'm not being used here or there, or in the world of mortals, then you both will leave me no choice, then to submit myself. I have all your powers and then some, my vampire powers grow everyday, I've become ruthless to Jacob, and I nearly all but seduced him, without even trying, whether that was effects from the traps or my charm power, which is Rose's "power. "

We've all experienced hell and back with each other, and if I have to I'll do it again. Nothing is changing my mind. Why cant you just trust me?! I can handle it. It's not that we think you can't or wouldn't, but you're still not full one or the other, you're still in between, you still need sleep, and food human food since you won't drink, unless we go together, but you still need to stay safe, we're doing this because we love you. We agree on that, we agree when it comes to you, we fight over Bella since we love her in different ways.

But younger or older, we're still you're older brothers, and we want to take care of you, you've been through so much and most of it is all my fault, and I can't lose you. I can do this, please just let me try. And if I need help I promise to let you help me. Can we get that in writing? Only if we have the materials. For now you're both just gonna have to trust me. WE all agree on that we're thinking about what's best for Bella, and right now she needs us all, to all work together, as brothers sister, and the treaty. And so help me.... Ok, ok don't pull that threat out again. Good I'm glad we're all on the same page.

Later that night, she and Angela are in her room talking away, when wonders where Edward and I are, she tells her that Edward's probably out looking for trouble and that I'm making sure he isn't or that he will be with me. Once Jacob is mentioned that's when things get complicated. It doesn't help that Angela doesn't know about everything that's going on, or we'd all be in serious trouble. And that what she doesn't understand is that it is a matter of life and death.

And in the morning, we 3 get into Edward's car in order to drop her off with Jake. We all get out of the car. Well I'm good here you can both go now, go hunt, no rush needed. We get in the car and go back home, hoping that everything will be ok, or else.

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