New members

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While Jake and Bella had been out since we got back, Edward and I had been having the best time together ourselves, and I'd gone into Carlisle's office to check on Jack. I didn't need to have super powers to know my brother was behind me, he's barely left me alone after both the coming back from Aro's and the fire. And now with Victoria back, and we have Jack back again in hyper sleep under our lock and key safe and sound, it was only a matter of time that we'd make him turn back to normal and to love me again.

I picked up my phone before it had the chance to ring, and when it did I knew it was Jake. Hey? Hey, I'm taking Bella back over to visit the place, the guys have been asking about you coming back. You're gonna wanna bring your leash, and wearing something that you don't mind getting dirty. I don't even want to know. I'll be there give me a sec. I'll go change and be right over. But, then again does it really matter what I wear if I'll just be in my wolf form anyways, I'd assume that's why I'm bringing the chain.

Play with the guys, take a little walk, hang out, get to familiarize yourself with the newest members of the pack, Leah and Seth Clearwater, Seth whom you know pretty well as it is already. IDK Jacob, I tell him frowning rubbing my arm. Edward frowns turning his gaze at me. Sorry, I mouth. Noticing that he looks sad, I figure its from my powers. He shakes his head and wraps his arms around me. If its Leah you're worried about, you know she's like that with everybody, you're actually the only person she isn't mad or annoyed with, she knows how much you've been through. But you know she hates everybody, not just got it out for you. You know that right? Yeah, I know I *sigh* sadly into the phone. It's hard when you have to try and get used to the fact that not everyone loves you.

Hey, you know Victoria and her clan and they don't like you? Her clan? It's literally Riley, and Jack now and Jack is fast a sleep in hyper sleep safe and sound thanks to you. Plus their few new, newborns. That are nothing compared to the rest of us. They won't be much of a fight. One puppet down, one to go. And he'll be dead soon too, and Victoria, but let me take her, she's all mine! Ok tiny demon! For now, change and bring the stuff with you and get your vampire butt over here.

Ok, just chill. Oy you really are Jack's girl. Just hearing that again, makes me feel like there's really hope. Oh come on of course there is. The two of you were always together, nothing could separate you guys, not until Victoria came and love as strong as yours is powerful and can get through anything I've seen it, with Bella and Edward, as much as it kills me to say stuff like that. And you know they are. Ok, I better get over there before you blow a jealously fuse. Be right there.

I run past Edward, and up the stairs. I go into my room and changed (outfit 35) unlock my door and open it, jumping at seeing Edward right there on the other side. Move E. Make me. I don't have to, I can just do this.... I open the window and jump down. See ya! I walk on over with my stuff, and head over to the pack house. I transform into my wolf self. Smell the food Em's cooking, and lick my lips. Nut uh, uh you little trouble maker, paws off. She playfully scolds. Hey, look who's back?! Hey wolf cub. T: Hey yourselves boys, good to be back. Heard you all went away for the weekend. T: Yep sure did. Come 'ere. Not yet! We're in our own yard no one's gonna care.

T: Have Lady and the Tramp showed up yet? Not yet, wait here they come right around the corner now. You gonna pounce? T: Watch and learn boys! I get down low into pounce form, narrowing my eyes, turning them Trope colored, I lick my lips, and wag my tail, letting out a low soft playful growl. Are you sure this is a good idea? I hear Bella ask him. After all I am the vampire girl. You're not the only one, she's on her way over. T: Already here little brother. I feel him roll his eyes, she watches him. She's already here somewhere, and she must be in her wolf form already since I don't sense any hybrid vampires. T: Watch your mouth! MAKE ME! T: Ok, you asked for it. I spring and pounce, knocking him over onto his back. T: Pinned ya! This isn't fair, you're in your wolf form. T: So change and make your odds not as impossible. He tries to push me off and we start to play around. Until I pin him again. T: Pinned ya again! This isn't a fair fight. T: You told me to make you, of course it's not a fair fight. Are you sure don't want to take it back?! The guys watch from a far, enjoying the show. T: Fine. Good thing you've stayed clean, you smell delightful, I bet you taste just as good, let's find out. No! What's wrong? Bella asks giggling at the sudden fear ridden on his face.

T: Take it back Jacob, you know I hate that word! I growl. T: Say that word again Jacob Black, I dare you! Say it! The second you do, my slobber is gonna be licking the bottoms of your soles until your in hysterics begging me like the dog you are to stop! Geez when did you get so ruthless? T: I'm only playing and teasing Jacob, but seriously it doesn't help your case to walk around all the time barefoot and topless. You leave your worst spots fully exposed. *Ug* no, you little demon, ok, ok I take it back, don't you dare. You got me now change back. I transform. Aw, Jakey, what's the matter you look like you've just seen a ghost. I tease. I lay down a hand to help him up he jumps. G-D you're annoying, you took back what you said I'm done torturing you for now. You're pure evil, maybe your full vampire is kicking in finally. Do you want me to start over? No! Good, now give me your hand and let me help you up. Hey Bella how's it going? Good, and yourself? Well, you know.... Same old. The guys come greet Bella, teasing him about his constant self monolog about Bella and wanting her to call or not.

They wrestle for a bit, and poke fun at him. Cause I obviously hadn't done that enough in the 5 mins I've been here. Jake introduces her to Leah, Seth isn't around at the moment. And while the rest of us all having fun, Leah is cold hearted. Emily and Sam come out to join our little party. Emily welcomes Bella. Now, can I eat some? Better hurry before the boys all scarf them down. Not if I can help it. I transform again, and jump up to grab some. Hey? T: Oh Quil stop, I haven't caused any trouble yet, don't be a baby. Be better than Jacob! I tease.

Ok that's enough Sam playfully scolds. Jake, wanna take her on a walk, you did ask her bring her stuff over. Yeah fine, shrink. I roll my eyes and transform. Paul, is that het leash and collar you've got there? Yep. Hand it over. Come 'ere you little demon. I growl and bark at him. Aw it's not as vicious and scary when you're tiny. He coos teasing me. T: Yeah, yeah but if you think you're in control, you're dreaming. Come on Bella, we've still got a lot to catch up on. Jacob talks about when the Clearwater's joined the pack, and the love triangle between Sam, her and Emily, and explains to her what an imprint is.

But then, after he tells her how for now he hasn't imprinted on anyone, she says he's still him, and he says she's still her. She says until after Grad. He gets pissed at her, and she gets upset, I use my "magic" to cool everything down. By this point I've transformed again, I kind of have too to be able to use my dust. In order to use my other powers to make such things happen. Everyone takes a deep breath. All is soon safe at the mention of Bella riding motorcycles. They laugh about that and now everything back to "normal." Good thing I'd been there.

DVG part 3Where stories live. Discover now