Let's prepare

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When we make our way back out, we return to home base, and see Alice and our dad talking. Alice tells Bella that her dad believes that Bella is staying the night with myself and Alice, no boys. But what was really gonna happen was that, everyone else would be out hunting, and that would leave Bella and Edward alone at the house, with Jack and I hanging out all night too. Whether, out somewhere or chilling in my room.

Apparently, Charlie likes like Alice, and their on a first name basis. When Alice leaves, Bella, Jack and I go inside. Either of you hungry? He asks us both. Hey dad? Yeah? There's someone I'd like you to meet. Chief Swan, Jack says sticking his hand out to shake his hand. My name is Jack Frost, and I'm your daughter Farrah's boyfriend.

Jack Frost? As in like the real, Jack Frost? He asks shaking his hand. The one in the same sir. And that makes sense because my brothers are part ghost, and.... Well you know your history. Yes sir. Mm, him I like. Nice to meet you Jack. Hey dad? Yeah? I was wondering, why you didn't like get married after mom.

IDK, just haven't met the right person I guess. Why? IDK, its just that, maybe I thought, you saw no value in it. Yes, I think marriage has value certainly, but you want to get married when you're older like your mom, things seemed to work out for her the second time. But, you don't want to get married because you weren't you know careful.

What? Bella questions. Look, Bella you know what I'm talking about.... Just, dad stop, we don't have to have the talk, besides mom beat it to you like 10 years ago so.... Yeah, well you didn't have a boyfriend 10 years ago. I'm sure things work the same way. Trust me dad Edward is, he's old school. What is that like secret code for something?

OMG! Dad, they haven't had sex yet, trust me. Ok, well good thing we got that out of the way. Yeah, me too. Bella takes my hand as she walks out the door. After hearing that, he starts liking Edward a little better now. We arrive at the house. Edward stands at the door, waiting to let her in. What are you doing outside? Come on in. We just got here. He takes her bag of stuff and we go inside.

We won't be here all night, so you'll have the house to yourself for a little bit. Where are you going? Cora's, Hannah's.... Dance studio.... Jack?! No! I *gasp* It's fine, you'll be safe. They wouldn't go to the same place more than once. Maybe we'll swing by the new opening of the coffee shop, they re did a lot of it. Then we'll come back and hang out in my room.

Oh and Bella, don't get your hopes up, it's not gonna happen, just so you know, because he thinks it will be too dangerous. What? Nothing, come on Jack, let's go. See ya later. We do exactly that, we had dinner at Cora's, we went to Hannah's and had ice cream, we geo leaped to the studio.... Jack? Sh, sh you're fine. If you really don't want to be here.... Sorry, but can we not be here, we'll find a different place.

I have a plan, but let's go to the coffee shop first. We went there, we were welcomed back. We sang some songs, I was a little worried, but I knew Jack was right, Victoria wouldn't be coming back. At least not here again. When we left.... Since I can geo leap, can we go visit mom? Sure lead the way. FL! I cried, taking Jack's hand, and jumped up. We arrived at the house, and knocked at her door.

Instead of going home, we stayed the night there, I made sure Edward knew that. At home, he took out his mother's ring and purposed to Bella with it. She was so happy. Not, that I would know about any of this. Outside in a ally, Victoria and Riley go over their battle strategy. They go over the plan and how I'll be left to Victoria, that she had a personal bone to pick with me, but by the end, our clan would be dead.

In the morning Jack and I (outfit 30)left to go back home to Forks and join Edward, Jacob and Bella. When we met back up, Bella and I pricked our finger to leave behind our scent. Don't do that, you're both giving too much. If this is all we can give, we want give as much as we can. The newborns will be frantic. Let me fix it. Come 'ere. Don't make yourself uncomfortable.

I was just gonna say the same thing. Bella gives him her hand. It doesn't bother me anymore. Now give me your hand. He tells me. I can heal it on my own. With in the last 24 hours that I thought you were both dead, after Farrah nearly tried to possibly commit suicide. You did what? Jack asked me concerned. I did NOT. I've put you both through enough pain. You especially Farrah, and I'm sorry. The cutting, Jacob scratching you when he first transformed, the fire.... What fire?! You know the one Victoria started that almost killed me. My point is, that's why it doesn't bother me anymore, I just want to keep you safe.

Now give me your hand. He says grabbing my wrist. Start walking, both of you. But I wanna wait for Jake. Start walking. We'll catch up. Bella, you're not wearing your ring? I didn't want to risk losing it. Or Jacob or Farrah seeing it. Edward, she's gonna find out, I'm surprised she doesn't already know. Jack's been around, but I don't want her feeling the way she did when all of that happened. She'd never forgive me, she'll feel betrayed that I didn't tell her. Even though she knew this would happen.

When their head is clear, then we can tell them. Who's head isn't clear? No one's we hope. Alice says a storm is coming. Yeah, and we all can sense it. Where are Farrah and Jack? They went ahead of us, see you guys in a couple of hours, I'm gonna go help them set up camp. Something up? A bunch of vampires trying to kill Farrah and I? Same old, same old. Soon the newborns are starting to arrive, Jack and I set up the tents and the rest of the campsite. Edward arrives, and soon so does Jake and Bella.

Well, as long as your hear now you might as well stay, let Seth help keep the connection. Keep us in the loop, Sam won't be too happy about you not fighting, but my cousins are there too, my Jake will be in his dragon form, and Danny will be in his ghost form, and Hailee will also be in her dragon form. And the rest have fought mystical beasts before. They'll be fine. That was my plan. Did you read my mind or something?

No, great minds just think a like I guess. Come on, it's getting colder, Jake, you can stay with Jack and I unless you prefer to stay in your wolf form, that's what I'm planning on doing if I get too cold. You'll get too cold? I'm still half, the cold can still effect me, even if Jack is my boyfriend. Come on, let's just get inside, I'll stay out here Jacob, come on, we want you in here with us.

I don't have a problem with it. He helped us, if it keeps you warm that's all that I care about. Until Bella gets too cold, then I'll just cast a spell on the tent and give us plenty of room. And we'll all be cuddled up together. That's fine, let's hope it doesn't get to that point. Goodnight everyone. Night.

DVG part 3Where stories live. Discover now