I want you to be happy but your safety means more to me

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4:00 and not a min too soon. Bella, can you please sit and wait a min. You know you're not really being punished, but how much you scared and worried me?! I know dad I know that I put you through hell. Let's make a deal, you're not "grounded" anymore if you go and hang out with some of the those other friends you never get to see. Like Jacob, he's been going through some hard things recently too, and when that was you he was there for you.

This broke Bella's heart. Or Farrah, Edward and you have spent so much time together that, gee when was the last time you and Farrah hung out just the two of you? I'm not sure we have. My point exactly. Farrah was so hurt, when you told me that Edward didn't want her around when they left, when she came back from where ever it was that she was she was all cut up, wouldn't be surprised if she did it herself.

Now her heart wasn't just broken it was shattered, she didn't need a reminder of how bad things were. Back at home, the others came back from hunting to see us both passed out on the floor. Edward?! Farrah?! Wake up what happened?! Esme screeched. Carlisle! Carlisle ran into the house, as did the others. This is bad, this very bad! We need to get them to wake up.

I have something in my office that might help. What if we tried a subtle approach first, like smelling salts, but instead of smelling salts something with the scent of blood? No, that could be dangerous, either of them might go into a frenzy. We need regular smelling salts. We can wake Edward up first by that, but then Edward would need to turn back around and wake up Farrah. Why can't we wake them up at the same time? The scent won't be strong enough.

Go get the stuff. Wait, go to her room, and get something with her scent on it. It's not real blood so it won't send him into a frenzy, he'll think its Farrah, and wake up to protect her. We can try that. Alice ran up to my room to grab a scarf. A scarf? She doesn't use it for warmth purposes. It's a fashion thing. She bent down to wave it in from of his face, he woke up and reached out for it. See. There we go. Farr's? He asked rubbing his eyes. Farrah? Where are you?

He looked down beside him. Farrah wake up. He yawned caressing my face. I groaned nudging my face against his touch and woke up, rubbing my eyes. Farrah, Edward! What happened? The traps! We cried. I'll text Jacob, you find away to contact Sam. Make sure they're both awake and ok! I dialed his number. I got his voicemail, I used my mind instead. Me: Jacob! Wake up Jacob! I still didn't get an answer.

Nothing Edward said. This is bad. Give me that. I said grabbing my scarf from Alice. I ran off in the direction of the house. I knocked on the door, Billy let me in. What happened out there? Traps! Where are Sam and Jacob?! Passed out in the middle of the living room stuck in wolf form. As I explained what happened to Billy, Edward did the same. And since Sam got rid of them we were safe once again.

I'll use my scent to revive them, and my dog powers to wake them. You do that kiddo. I transformed, taking the cloth in my teeth, first going up to Sam, and reviving him, then licked his face. Then did the same to Jacob, Sam rubbing his eyes of sleep, Jacob reached up to scratch behind my ears. Good girl. He yawned. I pushed up against his back to get him up. Whining. It's ok girl, I'm ok, we're ok. I licked his face, and he laughed.

Later, I'd stayed to have Jacob help me with school stuff, normally that was Jack's job, or Edward's but Jack wasn't around and Jacob was convenient. Bella called Jacob, but he didn't answer, she didn't know I'd be with him. Edward stopped her from going over. Bella, I want you to be happy but your safety is more important. Jake's not going to hurt me. No, but the wolves will have no choice. Edward, Farrah and I have until graduation to see him! Losing this argument, she went back inside and went to bed for the night.

Jake insisted I'd stay the night since it was already so late, and that we had school tomorrow, that he'd just take me to school in the morning himself. I texted Edward and told him that's what was happening, he rolled his eyes and agreed. Fine. Goodnight. In the morning I'd gotten dressed (outfit 37)and decided to change my hair . Farrah? Are you ready to go? Jacob asked me, he'd insisted that I sleep in his room, while he slept on the couch, not like we hadn't slept in his bed together, nothing was gonna happen to me he was my "brother" same as Edward.

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