A long day of training ahead

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In the morning, there was still a somebody next to me, but not the same somebody that fell asleep next to me the night before. How could I tell? I felt colder than usual. And since he was in bed with me, he was probably awake. I shifted to try and go back to sleep, but decided I probably shouldn't since we had a lot of training ahead of us today. Good morning Snowflake. I jumped hearing his voice, and then looked down, and saw that his arms were wrapped around me.

He just chuckled. What's the matter Snow? You look like you've just seen a ghost. Maybe I have, I mumbled, turning my body to shift to become face to face with him. I reached my hand up to sweep back his hair, and then saw the promise ring he gave me last night still on my finger. Yes, you can relax I'm really here. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. You missed I giggled softly. So he corrected his mistake.

Come on, we've got lots of training to do, we need to get up and get ready. When did you crawl in bed with me? After Edward left this morning. Ok, well give me a sec, and I'll zap on some clothes. Well, I'll go downstairs and wait for you then. Ok Jack, you do that. After he goes away, and I'm now dressed and ready to go (outfit 20) and ready to go, I make my way downstairs, Edward has gone to go get Bella, and my cousins are all here, that will make for a fun training, with ghosts and dragons and winter spirits.

We head out to where we'll be training, and when we get there, Jasper and Emmett are already there ready for training, practicing on Emmett, as he goes flying, he really is a daredevil, gotta love him. All the boys come in their wolf forms, since they don't trust us enough to be in their human forms. Figures. I roll my eyes, and both Edward and Jack are at my side. How'd you sleep? My brother asks me.

I think the real question is the other way around, and if you actually did?! Sh hush calm down, he says starting to play with my hair. My cousins all come and greet me as they and their friends and I all exchange hellos and hugs. Jasper would be teaching us the dos and don'ts of fighting, since he's done this before. Jacob comes up to me after saying hello to Bella, and he nudges up against me.

I crouch down and sit on my knees so that I can reach him better. I start petting him, as I scratch behind his ears. Good boy. He rolls his eyes. JT: I'm not a dog! Yes you are, I told you that's all wolves are. JT: Yeah well this "dog" could rip your head off if I really wanted to. Yeah but you won't. JT: Won't I? He smirks. He jumps back and stands in fight form ready to pounce. He playfully growls at me.

Don't growl at me Jacob! I whine playfully. He bares his teeth at me, and I fall back. He smirks at me. He growls again. Bad Jacob stop it. I know he's only playing and teasing so I'm not scared. Then he leans his head down to caress me, and then he opens his mouth like he's gonna eat me, but instead he starts licking me. I told you I laugh. Only dogs act this way. He lays down next to me. I reach up and pet him again. Wolf or dog, or human you'll always be my Jacob.

Snow? Jasper calls for me. Yes? I laugh. Come 'ere. He calls. I get up and dust myself off. Edward pulls my arm. Jasper smirks up at him. Not a chance he growls at him. Come 'ere Farrah, he says pulling me away from Edward. No, Jasper Snow has been hurt enough, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her ever again! Just do it the way you planned it originally! Everyone looks up and over at Edward. He places his arms on my shoulders and grasps them, pulling me closer to him.

Jasper smirks and purses his lips, crossing his arms and lifting an eyebrow. Your precious Snow will be fine, as if I'd ever hurt her. She can easily defend herself just fine. If you try to take her from me, you'll be answering to me! He growled. E what's gotten into you? I frown concerned. She has more powers than the rest of us, if she stays in her wolf form she won't even need to physically participate. She can defend herself in more ways then one.

But I WON'T let her get herself hurt again, by myself, herself or anyone, ever again, I almost lost her that way. You can train the rest of us, but Farrah will not participate! Edward, she's your sister not your daughter. Jasper teases. Jas honey, it's ok, we better leave her alone. Jasper rolls his eyes, and continues with the lesson. That's good enough for today, you're all dismissed. When Bella sees the marks on Jasper's arm, she thinks they're bite marks just like hers, but his are war and battle scars, he tells her his story, about him and Maria, who was like our Victoria. And that he was like this until he met Alice. Who of course had seen him coming and kept her waiting long enough.

That night, when Bella is asleep she dreams about the kinds of things Jasper told her about, that Riley is Jasper and Victoria is Maria, and that she's letting Riley make the choices. To call me and ask me himself, or herself since Edward didn't think so. That I'd be able to ask Jack. To ask him what he knew about this that and the other. Edward didn't think it was Victoria since Alice and I were watching her thoughts, seeing if things would be changing.

But Bella was right, she would've been behind this. Back at home.... I toss and turn, my body is pain. I cry and scream out. With Edward at Bella's and the skull head always by my side, and now Jack once again, he awakens, and comes to my side, as does Jasper. Since he's got the other piece, just like he promised. Jack sat on the bed, as he gently stroked my hair, and rubbed cold circles onto my back. Wake up Snowflake, wake up.

Jack? Jasper calls. Yes? He answers back. Move over a little bit. He shifts away. Edward isn't there, and Jasper can physically with his emotion powers calm me down. Farrah wake up. He pushes his hand to my forehead, and closes his eyes, then moves his hand to my own, and squeezes it gently closing his eyes again. What are you doing? Sh, I'm changing her mood so that she'll calm down. Jack run and get Carlisle.

Carlisle comes into my room. She's calmed down, but she won't wake up. Jasper! Alice calls coming into the room as well. Alice what is it what's wrong? A vison, she can't wake up because its happening in her sleep. What do you see Alice? IDK, she's seeing something I'm not. She screamed as if she was in pain. She's probably just scared. How can we wake her up? Leave it to me. That's what I'm here for.

When they wake me up.... VICTORIA! I yell sitting up in the bed. Jack is right by my side. Sh, sh it's ok. You're ok. Edward, I whisper. No, that can't happen, it can't it won't! What, what's wrong? OMG, cries shivering. What, what is it Alice what do you see? Victoria, and Riley.... My white colored eyes brim with tears from my vision. Edward! I fling open my window, and run to Bella's house.

Alice what did you see? We better hope and pray that, what we just saw won't happen! I transformed into my wolf form, and ran to Bella's house, Alice was too worried about what she saw to tell them what she saw. I went to Bella's window, which was left open and barked. Of course I was in my dog form though. Sh, wait do you hear that? What? Edward asked her. A dog, a sad little dog, crying, maybe its hurt! Bella what are you talking about? You should have better hearing than me Edward.

You should be the one telling me you hear the dog. Listen carefully. What if it was Farrah barking, and if she was hurt? I need to go find this little dog. Good thing dad's asleep. You should be too. She leaves her room, and goes to go outside. Where did the dog go? Here puppy, she calls out to me. I make a yip sound. I hear her call for me, and run to the front of the house. Aw, sweetie come 'ere.

She's opens her arms and stoops down to my level. It's ok I won't hurt you. That's it, good dog. Such pretty white fur. Aw look you don't have a collar, I bet someone is missing you though. She picks me up in her arms and closes the door behind her, and takes me to her room. See Edward, this sweet little dog. Oh she's real sweet alright. Bella sets me on the bed, and Edward looks down at me as they both start to pet me.

I swat at his hand, and Bella laughs telling him that she thinks I want his attention, and then he kneels down to my level, and my eyes light up glad to see he's ok, and I wag my tail, and lick his cheek. He smiles scratching me behind the ears. Sweet and playful. Then his phone goes off, and I circle around and get all comfy. Bella gets back into bed, holding me close in her arms. She closes her eyes, and slowly drifts off to sleep. He plants a kiss on her forehead. Then steps away to a dark corner. I yawn and curl up beside her, falling asleep myself.

Edward: Yes, what? He calls into his phone.
Alice: Edward, have you seen Farrah, she ran away towards Bella's house a few mins ago?
Edward: That depends why would she be coming over here?
Alice: She had a vision, two of them one she saw of Victoria and the other we both saw of....
Edward: Alice calm down, what did you see?
Alice: Oh Edward its too terrible, but no matter what promise Farrah and the girls that you won't fight in this battle.
Edward: Why?
Alice: I can't tell you, you're just gonna have to trust me.
Edward: *sigh* ok Alice. And I'll keep my eye out for Farrah. T: No wonder this dog looks and acts so familiar, I should've known. On second thought, she's right here, good night.
Alice: Goodnight.

Edward gets into bed, cuddling up next to us both. IDK what you saw, but if you need me not to fight then I promise you that I won't. Sweet dreams kiddo.

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