I don't want you to fight

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In the morning, I was still in my dog form, and was as close to my brother as possible. Bella had gotten up to go get dressed, Edward woke up and started petting me. Farrah, wake up. He called to me in a gentle voice. Farrah? He called again. I yawned a small dog like yawn, and stretched my dog like legs out, slowly opening my eyes. That's it, that's it, wake up kiddo, wake up.

I looked up at him, with a frown on my face, whining. Sh, sh. It's ok, I'm ok. Come 'ere he called patting his lap. I crawled into his lap, and curled up, laying back down. Bella was so worried about you last night. You had me fooled, but I thought I knew. I don't know what you and Alice saw, but if you don't want me to fight, for whatever reason, then I will respect your wishes.

Come on, get up, transform back. I yawned again. T: Ok, ok I'm getting up. I transformed into my human form, and then snapped my fingers, to change clothes. (outfit 36)Are you ready to go? Yeah, I guess. Let's go. Oh, hey. Where'd you come from? Bella, I was with you all night, I was the dog you heard. Oh, I guess I should've know that, I knew you looked familiar. Is everything ok?

I just stared at her thinking about what it was that I saw. Yeah, I'm fine. Are you sure? Y-yeah, I'm ok. Ok, well if you ever wanna talk, I'm here for you, your my sister, you can talk to me. Maybe later. Ok, she says hugging me. Bella, what are you doing? I didn't use my powers on you. I know, I don't need you to use your powers on me to make me want to hug you. So I hugged her back. Edward just smiled at us.

Come on, let's go. Let's make one thing clear though, I'm not just gonna stay back and watch you guys fight, you all are fighting because of us, people are gonna get hurt because of us, and I'm not just gonna sit there, while you all fight my battles for me. It's too dangerous, its really too dangerous for Farrah, but she has a personal bone to pick with Victoria, and if she is the one behind this, you need to stay out of the fight even more.

With the wolves it will be an easy win, and the rest of us won't have that much to do. So either its so easy you don't have anything to do, or its too dangerous to fight. It's dangerous for you, its easy for us. I think its dangerous for us all to be apart, how many times to do we have to prove that? Think about Farrah, haven't you put her through enough pain as it is? I'm surprised she forgave you so easily, she was in so much pain, and everyone will be worried about each other, we need to stay together.

Fine, so we'll go away together, somewhere safe and out of the way. All four of us, you, me, Jack and Farrah. Jack? Yeah, you two should stay together, but the rest of your cousins will be in battle we'll need them, the more the merrier. The easier the fight will be. Besides with a fire breather that takes out more vampires easier, we won't have to find away to set them on fire ourselves. I roll my eyes.

But, I can't make you chose between me and your family. It's a little too late for that. I mumbled. What? N-nothing. Farrah, what did you say? She asked me concerned. It's ok, it doesn't matter. Yes, it does, you're my sister I love you. It's not your fault Bella, you don't have to worry about it, besides, I guess you can say we don't want him fighting anyways. Why's that? Some vision she and Alice had IDK, I didn't bother to ask.

Call your cousins, and tell them the plan, they should already know what they're doing since they've been here, but call them anyways. Ok, I'll do that. So I did that. They all knew the plan, they all understood the plan, we'd need them to fight along side everyone else. There is nothing I want more, then to tear Victoria apart myself, but I'll let Farrah take care of that on her own, and leave her to her.

As if it was a choice. So what, you're gonna sit out of the fight too? He's doing it for us. Whatever. All of us were together a couple mins later, it was us three, Jack came down to meet us, Jasper and Jacob. Jacob? Jack said to him, I'm very thankful from the very bottom of my heart for what you did for us, I know you've been told how grateful Farrah is, but you haven't heard it from me.

Despite that, the night started off, with me on Victoria's side still and you all fighting between sides, you still got together and you set the trap for me, if it weren't for the trap I would've gotten away, and there for, you'd all be fighting me as well, and Farrah would end up more hurt than she's been already, but now that you went and did that, it wasn't for your benefit, it wasn't to be a hero, it was for your sister, for someone you care very much about, you did it for her. I know you don't know me well, but thank you.

You're both very welcome, I'd do anything for my sister. He says pulling me into a hug. I know you would. Farrah? Jack asks me pulling me out Jacob's grasp and into his own. How'd you sleep the rest of the night, you ran away so quickly and upset, that I was told not to follow you. I'm ok now, it was just over a vision I saw. You wanna talk about it? No, that's ok. We were all in a field, where the battle would be happening.

We would be needing Jacob to take part in the masking our scents part. Then Jasper and Edward would be going through to see if they could catch any of Bella's. That he'd run us down to the campsite. Wait? We? Yes "we" because you're half you still have that human inside of you, and your vampire part of you is not as strongly scented as your human half. What about Jack?

We can't expose Jack to more of Victoria then we have to. As much as it hurts me to say it, but your brother is right. What's the matter snow? Don't wanna run around with the likes of me? That's not it, and you know it Jacob. Her wolf scent however, is as odorous as how you normally smell. Edward? Don't start. Ok, look you both know exactly what he means by that, Bella tells us. I don't like this idea. Edward states.

For which reason? Does it matter? Don't start. Let's just try it ok? Jacob picks up Bella, I transform into my wolf self. Run as fast as you both can, then trail back. Got it. Once we get started on our way back out, Jacob starts talking about how he let Sam be Alpha, that he never wanted to be in a pack let alone their leader, but that every choice has its consequences, he pauses.... Some more than others.

I growl up at him. Jacob don't start, Bella warns. He rolls his eyes. They talk about the idea of imprinting and how she can love more than one person. He's seen it, or we've seen it, with Sam, Emily and Leah. And how he can tell how he can physically make Bella feel, and that he senses that she has some form of feelings for him. Jacob you promised. She warns. Yeah, I know, I promised I wouldn't kiss you until you asked. Well you're gonna be keeping that promise along time then. Jacob smiles down at her, as we continue our journey.

When Jasper and Edward go back through they only pick up our wolf stench, we know that the newborns won't want to get anywhere near our wolf stench. No human, just the wolves. Great, this will work. Edward be honest, this isn't all just about the fact that it was Bella and Jacob, you don't want Farrah to leave your side after everything that happened to her, and I do mean everything. There's no sneaking anything past you is there? Not when I can do what I can do to you with my powers. You know that, and so does she.

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