Why I couldn't tell you right away

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With all the cousins going back to wait at the house, and Jane and the group gone, and the rest of the family there as well, except Bella. Jack had brought me to Billy's, and Sam had brought Jacob there as well. I was unconscious, and Jake probably wishes he had been, considering Carlisle would have to go through and place the bone, which was gonna be in one word painful.

Maybe I was stupid, or maybe I was brave, and decided to pretend to be fearless, but when you love someone, even if that someone is a sibling, or a "sibling" you find the impossible strength and courage, almost as if nothing bad could ever happen to you, until you feel the after pain.

But, at that moment, I was glad to be asleep, it would've made me hurt emotionally to be able to hear Jacob howl in pain, but once Carlisle was done, and the guys were all waiting outside, once there was no more screaming, Bella was able to come in, since Jake was asking for her. When she came in, we were laid next to each other for convenience, and it was helping anyways, since the whole cancel each other's heat out thing.

Hey, I was worried about you. He tells her. About me? Yeah, about you and Farrah both. she tried to protect me, but I wouldn't want her in more pain then she is, rather emotional or whatever. Was Edward hard on you? No, he was more worried about Farrah, and how upset she was. I think, when she and Victoria were fighting and talking that what she said got to her, and she believes that she was right.

But, he didn't keep it from her, he was just gonna surprise her. What do you mean? And I was gonna tell you Jacob,, but when you'd have a clear head. But, he wants her to be the maid of honor, which means she'll have a very important role to play for our wedding. But, I do feel bad, because she feels like she's being selfish. And she's not, she's completely right.

She always is, Jacob says giving a light chuckle wrapping his not broken in pain arm around me. What did Carlisle say? About which one of us? I can't imagine he said much to you, or about you, but sure yes both. All in all, what he mentioned was that we both just need a lot of rest, and to cool down. I'm cooling down with her next to me, and the window is wide open, and she'll wake up soon.

But, Carlisle wants to keep her over here, for the next couple of days, she's exhausted, he doesn't want to take chances in moving her, until she's back to "normal." But I'm glad she didn't get hurt. Yeah, I think we all are. You know Edward and Jack are gonna wanna come by and see her. Yeah, I realize that. Don't kill each other. Trust me, I'm in no position to hurt anything or anyone, he chuckles.

Stop moving you're gonna hurt yourself more. Look as far as the whole marrying Edward thing goes, its like Sam and Emily and imprinting.... I don't want to hear it, but at least I did everything I could to make you realize your feelings for me. Only pushed them away because I knew they wouldn't change anything. Well, anyways I'll always be waiting. Yeah, until my heart stops beating. No, maybe even then too.

Bella gets up from the bed and leaves. Back at home Edward is in my room. Bella comes back. She sees he's not in his room, and comes to mine. I thought I'd find you here. How is she? Sleeping, Carlisle.... He wants to keep her there the next couple of days, I know. Man, why does she have to be right about everything? It's annoying. Yeah, it is, she chuckles.

Over the next couple of days, the excessive exhaustion went away, and soon enough Jacob was back to himself and me to mine. I woke up a couple days later, fully full of energy. It was some day, where it had been a day after a day of finally getting better. And the upcoming morning, the evening before, I'd decided transform into my wolf form, and so when I woke up the following morning, I'd felt a gentle hand reach down to pet me scratching behind my ears.

Come on Farrah wake up. I groaned.... Farrah, get up, let's go outside and play. My ears perked up, and I woke up. Thata girl. Good girl, sit, shrink. Good girl. Come on, let's come outside.... Me: Pick me up. Ok, alright. It's a good thing your so small, and light. Me: What makes now any different then usual? I teased. Come on, let's go to Hannah's what do you say?

Me: Ok. Alright, then fetch. I ran off, and came back with my leash and collar in my mouth. Good girl. Come'er. He said patting his leg. Duck down. I bowed my head, and he slipped the collar on over my head. Good girl, now sit. I sat. He clipped the leash to me. Come on kiddo, let's head out. As we went to head out.... Hey. Hey, what are you doing over here?

I came to check up on her, I see she's awake and moving. Where are you all headed? Hannah's. Mind if I tag along? You're gonna eat human food? Yeah. How? You're asking how that vs how we're gonna spend maybe close to nearly half an hour with each other and not kill each other? I give up at this point, you've already won.

But, you'll have ask her, not me. Snow? Me: I'm still upset with you, but you can join us. Go run home and get the patches, we'll meet you there. Yeah, and you can be in your dog form until we go inside, I don't want to feed you. I can feed her. You're gonna be eating too. He pointed out. So? To each their own, he *sighs* so, that's what we did. Ah, Hannah said when she saw us all together....

Why, you're all together, this is a quite the sight. Hi Hannah. Hey kiddos. Your usual? Yes please. And for you Edward? He'll have what I'm having. Trust me, its great. You got the food patches? Right here. This I gotta see. Hand them over. I've got it. Edward, don't argue with me, give them here. Fine, he *sighs* He pushes his sleeve up, and I stick them on each of his upper arms.

As he rolled them back down, I got passed him a spoon and he ate along side us. So, you decided to be yourself? Yeah, I wanted you to enjoy getting to eat real food. It's funny, despite that you are you know like this, I still want to hand feed you. To each their own. Ah, I giggled opening my mouth. We're a strange group. No, really? If you're gonna feed her, don't drip it all over me. Snow switch places with me. Sure thing.

This is weird. And usually we're normal? Point taken. Look, as I feed each other our ice cream, me eating my own and feeding you yours, out of shear amusement, I do need to talk to you. Eh hm.... I nodded wrapping my mouth around the spoon and eating the bite on it. You're right. I looked up at him funny, as if to say go on.

I'm sorry, 'bout wut? I wasn't gonna keep it from you, I was gonna just surprise you. I swallow again, then open my mouth again.... Keep talking.... Snow, I wanted to surprise you because, I need you to do something very important for me. I gave him a questioning look. I'm sure Bella, Jake and I would agree that even after we're married that you'll still be our favorite best person in the world. And Bella has decided that, you and Alice are planning the whole thing, and there are a couple more things I will ask of you.... 'ike wut?

Swallow your food first. I swallow again. Like what? Oh you know, give a speech, be the maid of honor, sing. My eyes widened.... One more time? Which part? He teased. The part in the middle. Speech, sing? Was there something else you heard? I lunged at him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. Of course I will! OMG Edward, this is the best day ever! Well, if she's in charge of the wedding, I'm guessing I'll be invited, and I wouldn't miss it, I'm not going for you of course, its for Bella and my sister.

If I do decide to go.... That's too bad, you don't exactly get a choice.... This isn't coming from you, this is a Bella thing. Isn't it. She decided that, since we are getting married, and you're not too happy with me, like you ever were to begin with, that, we would take this celebration to formally "end" parts of the treaty, burry the hatchet, and if you won't do it for Bella, and I know you won't do it for me, that you'd do it for Farrah, she wants us to get along, and we always set our differences aside for Farrah, no matter what....

Where is this going. In honor of putting our pasts behind us and hating each other in silence like girls do.... Was to have you be my best man, for Farrah and Bella's sake of us getting along. Both of us *gasp* And as long as you're both speechless, I'm not expecting anything out of you, because this is what the girls want, and I want them both to be happy, but Bella decided she didn't need to be another "year" older than me and we're having it on the 13th of August.

This isn't for you, and not necessarily for Bella either, G-D forbid I'd do anything for you, or to hurt Bella, or my sister, but if its what the bride and her sister want, I'll gladly play my role. And I didn't plan on doing anything either, so at least we can agree on that part. Great, now I know not even for my sake you won't hug, but at the least shake hands, and call a truce of some kind.

What do you say Jacob? Truce? Truce, for now.... He says sticking his hand out, as Edward does the same. No one saw this coming and Alice and I have vision, this will be quite the wedding.

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